

English Method



・What are your long-term goals?
  - My long-term goals are having a good family and getting a bettter job.

・What do people usually look forward to the most on Friday afternoon?
  - People usually look forward to the weekend the most on Friday afternoon.

・What has been till now the proudest moment of your life?
  - The proudest moment of my life till now has been when I got 700 TOEIC score.

・What do we mean when we say that somebody’s too pleased with himself?
  - When we say that somebody’s too pleased with himself, we mean that they’re too proud of something they’ve done.

・What origin do some words in European languages have?
  - Some words in European languages have Latin or Greek origin.

・Where was the capital of your country originally set up?
  - The capital of my country was originally set up in Kyoto.

・What things need to be taken care of if you want to set up a board meeting?
  - You need to be taken care of the place, food and drinks, and you must call all the board members if you want to set up a board meeting.

・What’s the job of a literary agent?
  - The job of a literary agent is to persuade the works of a particular author that he represents.

・What could you do if you wanted to make something available to the borader public?
  - I could publish something on the Internet if I wanted to make it available to the broader public.

・Where does a computer store information?
  - A computer store information on a hard disc.

・What do we call a building in which particular kinds of things are kept?
  - We call a buildting in which particular kinds of things are kept a store.

・What’s a warehouse?
  - A warehouse is a large building for storing large quantities of goods and supplies.

・How are goods sent from a warehouse to shops and stores?
  - Goods are loaded onto lottries that take them from warehouse to shops and stores.

・Would it take a load off your mind if you found out you had passed an important exam?
  - Yes, it’d take a load off my mind if I found out I had passed an importan exam.











一人 → 人生のパートナー → 共に生きる周りの人々




English Method


ということで、Lesson150 のはじめから途中まで!

・What do parents usally scold their children for?
  - Parents usually scold their children for misbehaving.

・Is there anyone that you think deserved to get the Noble Prize but didn’t receive it?
  - No, there isn’t anyone that I think deserved to get the Noble Prize but didn’t recieve it.

・How much disc space do you have on your computer?
  - I have 30GB of disc space on my computer.

・Who was the first man to go into space?
  - The first man to go into space was Gagarin.

・When will space travel as natural as a trip abroad?
  - Space travell will be as much as a trip abroad in twenty years’ time.

・What happens if a child’s raised only on fast food?
  - If a child’s raised only on fast food, he may suffure from serious health problems.

・Why do schoolchildren raise their hands in class?
- Schooldhildren raise their hands in class when they want to ask the teacher about something.

・What happens if a teacher can’t keep dicipline in the classroom?
  - If a teacher can’t keep displine in the classroom, the students are easily spoilt and they misbehave.

・What’s the most effective way to disipline a lazy employee?
  - The most effective way to dicipline a lazy employee is to pay them less.

・What do we express with ‘wish + would’?
  - We express our dissatisfaction with the present and a wish for a change in the future with ‘wish + would’.



English Method


・What did some people do when World War 2 broke out?
  - Some people escaped from the country, others joined the army when World War 2 broke out.

・What kind of things should you take into account if you want to take out a mortgage?
  - If you want to take out a mortgage, you should take into account such things as losing your job.

・When can people feel offended?
  - People can feel offended when somone makes a joke at their expense.

・In your opinion, which building in your country offends the eye the most?
  - In my opinion, the old Castle is the building in my country which offends the eye the most.

・What situations and what kind of people make you see red?
  - Treating people unfairly makes me see red.

・What things do we have to arrange before Christmas?
  - We have to arrange presents / food / a Christmas tree before Christmas.

・What arrangements do you make before going on holiday?
  - Before going on holiday I make arrangement for my house to be watched over.

・In what order are words in a dictionary arranged?
  - Words in a dictionary are arrange in alphabetical order.

・What do we mean by an arranged marriage?
  - By an arranged marriage we mean a marriage in which the parents choose a wife or husband for their child.

・When can we use the present simple for the future?
  - We can use the present simple to express future arrangements and things that happen as part of a timetable.

・When do we use the present continuous for the future?
  - We use the present continuous to express presonal future arrangemens for the near future.

・How do you usually check the times the trains leave from the station?
  - I usually check the times the trains leave from the station on the Internet.

・When does the next lesson start?
  - The next lesson starts at 8 o’clock tomorrow.



English Method


・Should doctors give patients false hopes?
  - Yes, doctors should give patients false hopes.
  - Because false hopes are better than no hopes at all.

・What would your parents have done if you failed all your exams at school?
  - If I had failed all my exams at school, my parents would have forbidden me from watching TV.

・I didn’t know he was coming, so I went to the cinema.
  - If I had known he was coming, I wouldn’t have gone to the cinema.

・The plane was late because the weather was bad.
  - The plane wouldn’t have been late if the weather hadn’t been bad.

・He drank a lot the night before and couldn’t drive the next day.
  - He would have been able to drive the next day if he hadn’t drunk a lot the night before.



English Method




・What could upset achieving this aim?
  - My language skill could upset achieving this aim.

・What government decision would upset most people?
  - Raising taxes would upset most people.

・What would you do if you upset a glass of wine on someone’s shirt?
  - If I upset a glass of wine on someone’s shirt, I’d say ‘I’m sorry’.

・Why shouldn’t dhildren play with knives?
  - Children shouldn’t play with knives because knives have sharp edges and they can easily get cut.

・What objects can you sharpen when they become blunt?
  - You can sharpen knives or pencils when they become blunt.

・Why do most politician dislike to be asked questions bluntly?
  - Most politician dislike to be asked questions bluntly because such questions upset them.

・Was the earth believed to be flat in ancient times?
  - Yes, the earth was believed to be flat in ancient times.

・What kind of people have a razore sharp mind?
  - Geniuses have a razor-sharp mind.



English Method




・Why do people write notes?
  - People write notes to remember things.

・Which politician in your country gives speeches without any notes?
  - Prime Minister Noda is the politician in my country who gives speeches without any notes.

・Why do people buy fake goods of well known brands?
  - People buy fake goods of well known brands because they can’t afford genuine ones.

・Have you ever been deceived into buying a fake?
  - No, I’ve never been deceived into buying a fake.

・How can you distinguish genuine goods from fake ones?
  - You can distinguish genuine goods from fake ones by the price. Fake goods are sold at a franction of the price of genuine ones.

・If you wanted to buy a diamond, how would you distinguish a genuine one from a fake one?
- If I wanted to buy a diamond, I’d distinguish a genuine one from a fake one by cutting glass. A genuine diamond cuts glass.



English Method



・What does it mean ‘to leave a car idling’?
  - ‘To leave a car idling’ means that the engine runs slowly and the car isn’t moving.

・What has been till now the biggest challenge in your life?
  - The biggest challenge in my life till now has been getting a foreigne boyfriend.

・What would you say to someone who has offend you seriously?
  - I’d say ‘How dare you!’ to someone who has offended me seriously.

・What’s a chairman / chairwoman of a conference responsible for?
  - A chair man / chairwoman of a conference is responsible for telling prople when they can speak.

・Why do you think international authorities organise conferences on climate change?
  - I think international authorities organise conference on climate change to study important problems connect with environment.

・On what cindition do parents sometimes allow their children to play with toys in the living room?
  - Parents allow their children to play with toys in the living room, provided that they leave no mess.

・When does the bank allow you to draw money from your account?
  - The bank allows me to draw money from my account, provided that I have the money in it.

・What do people usually say when they lend money?
  - People usually say ‘I’ll give you the money, provideng you return it quickly’ when they lend money.

・Give me a sentence with ‘provided that’ or ‘providing’.
  - I’ll cook dinner, provided that you clean room.

・Give me example nouns with which we don’t use the defenit article.
  - We don’t use the defenite article with proper names of places or countries.

・What’s the different between ‘I’m going to prison’ and ‘I’m going to the prison’?
  - ‘I’m going to prison’ means that you were found guilty in court and now you must spend some time in prison.
- ‘I’m going to the prison’ means you have the intention of visiting the prison.

・Why’s the life of children in third world countries often so difficult?
  - The life of children third world countries is often so difficult because they have to work hard for their living.

・Why do companies spend a lot of money on public relations?
  - Companies spend a lot of money on public relations to improve or influence their image.

・Do you think the public image of a plitician is much different from the real person?
  - Yes, I think the public image of a politician is much different from the real person.
  - Because he does certain things just to influence the public.

・Give me examples of things that companies do for public relations.
  - Companies help poor children for public relations.

・How was man created according to the Bible?
  - According the Bible man was created in the image of God.









・英語:Hulu の Bones にはまった。シーズン1から4見た。















 →JLRT読解テスト 2010年限りでおわり








・JSLカリキュラム:Japanese as a Second Language
・JSP教育:Japanese for Specific Purpose
・IGP教育:Japanese for General Purpose

・ASTP:Army Specialized Training Program。ドナルド・キーン、サイデンステッカー。

・TPR:Total Physical Response、全身反応教授法。アッシャー。聴解力。




・CAI:Computer Assisted Instruction、コンピューターを使った学習
・CALL:Computer Assisted Language Learning
・CMI:Computer Managed Instruction


・集団基準拠テスト:NRT norm referenced test、熟達度
・目標気準拠テスト:CRT criterion referenced test、達成度






























・五段:書く kak-anai, kak-imasu, kak-u, kak-eba, kak-ou
・上一段:見る mi-nai, mi-masu, mi-ru, mi-reba, mi-ro
・下一段:見せる mise-nai, mise-masu, mise-ru, mise-reba, mise-ro


















  ・言語の類型 ・世界の諸言語 ・一般言語学、日本語学、対象言語学
  ・日本語の構造 ・音声、音韻体系 ・形態、語彙体系
  ・文法体系 ・意味体系 ・語用論的規範 ・文字と表記
  ・受容、理解能力 ・言語運用能力 ・社会文化能力
  ・対人関係能力 ・異文化調整能力

  ・実践的知識、能力 ・コースデザイン(教育課程編成)
  ・カリキュラム編成 ・教授法 ・評価法
  ・教育実技(実習) ・目的、対象別日本語教育法など
  ・異文化間教育、多文化教育 ・国際、比較教育
  ・国際理解教育 ・異文化受容訓練 ・言語間対照など
  ・データ処理 ・情報技術活用 ・学習支援、促進者の養成
  ・教材開発、選択 ・知的所有権問題など

  ・予測・推測能力 ・談話理解 ・記憶、視点
  ・習得過程(第一言語、第二言語) ・中間言語
  ・二言語併用主義 ・ストラテジー ・学習者タイプ
  ・社会的技能、技術 ・異文化受容、適応
  ・日本語教育、学習の情意的側面 ・日本語教育と障害者教育

  ・社会文化能力 ・言語接触、言語管理、言語政策
  ・各国の教育制度、教育事情 ・社会言語学、言語社会学
  ・言語変種 ・待遇、敬意表現 ・言語、非言語行動
  ・言語、文化相対主義 ・二言語併用主義
  ・多文化・多言語主義 ・アイデンティティ

  ・諸外国、地域と日本 ・日本の社会と文化
  ・異文化適応、調整 ・人口の移動(移民・難民政策)
  ・日本語教育史 ・日本語教育と国語教育 ・言語政策
  ・日本語の教育哲学 ・日本語教育事情など

☆日本語教員の資質・能力 リサーチクエスチョン



English Method


・What’s the job of a surgeon so difficult?
  - The job of a surgeon’s so difficult because he must have a steady hand and concentrate all the time during an operation.

・How often do you chek the balance in your bank account?
  - I check the balance in my bank account once a week.

・What things throw you off balance?
  - Unexpected personal questions throw me off balance.

・How many stairs do you think you have to climb to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower?
  - I think you have to climb 2,731 stairs to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

・In what professions is it very difficult to climb to the top?
  - I think it’s very difficult to climb to the top in such profession as a bank manager.

・How long does it take to climb to the top in bank management?
  - It takes about 10 years to climb to the top in bank management.

・In what situation do people usually prefer to be let alone?
  - People usually prefer to be left alone when they’re going to cry.

・Why can you feel lonely?
  - You can feel lonely because you have no one to talk to.

・What does ‘look before you leap’ mean?
  - ‘Look before you leap’ means that it’s wise to consider carefully different possibilities before doing something.

・In what situations do people lose their patience?
  - People lose their patience when they have to wait for something for too long.

・What would you do if you really needed a cash injection?
  - If I really needed a cash injection, I’d probably ask my friend to lend me some money.

・How can we express our regret about a present situation?
  - We can express our regret about a present situation by using ‘wish + subject + past tense’.

・What do we use the express our regret about a past situation?
  - We use ‘wish + subject + past perfect’ to express our regret about a past situation.

・What would you say if you failed a stage exam?
  - If I failed a stage exam, I’d say: ‘I wish I had studied more’.

・Why’s it sometimes better to apply new things wth caution?
  - It’s sometimes better to apply new things with caution because we don’t know whether they’ll work properly.

・Should we be causious about giving personal information on the Internet?
  - Yes, we should be causions about giving personal information on the Internet.
  - Because someone may use it in a dishonest way.










・Vlounteer:FOR 釜石。何かのイベント参加。



English Method



・When do we use the past perfect continuous?
  - We use the past perfect continuous for an action that began before the time of speaking in the past and countinued up to that time or finished some time before it.

・How long had you been studying English for when you joined this course?
  - I had been studying English for 3 years when I joined this course.

・What gift did you get last Christmas?
  - I got a book and a bike last Christmas.
  - Yes, I had been dreaming about getting it before I finally got it.

・What’s the difference between ‘When I came, she had been cleaning the room’ and ‘When I came, she had cleaned the room’?
  - ‘When I came, she had been cleaning, the room’ means that the room wasn’t probably cleaned yet. ‘Whan I came, she had cleaned the room’ means that the room was already cleaned.

・What words can we use instead of ‘adult’?
  - We can use the words ‘mature’ and ‘grown-up’ instead of ‘adult’.

・What do little boys usually want to be when they’re grown-up?
  - Little boys usually want to be soldires, policemen or firemen when they’re grown-up.

・How long does it take for cheese to mature?
  - It sometimes takes two years for cheese to mature.

・What’s a fireman’s job?
  - A fireman’s job is to put out fire.

・What kind of people do the police keep under observation?
  - The police keep suspects under observation.

・Would you have to stay in hospital under observation if you had a serious accident?
  - Yes, if I had a serious accident, I’d have to stay in hospital under observation.

・Where do you usually find up-to-date news?
  - When I want to find up-to-date news, I watch current affairs on TV, search the Internet, or read newspapers.

・What kind of magazines do people read to be up-to-date?
  - People read fashion / business magazines to be up-to-date.



English Method



・How can governments prevent terrorism?
  - Governments can prevent terrorism by fighting countries that support terrorist organisations.

・How much money do you need to earn to support a family in this city?
  - You need to earn about 100,000 yen a month to support a family in this city.

・How can the government prevent losing support?
  - I think the government can prevent losing support by doing what they’re promised to do before the election.

・What’s the average pension in this country?
  - The average pension in this country is 150,000 yen monthly.

・What must you do if you want to make a good impression when you start a new job?
  - If you want to make a good impression when you start a new job, you must come to work on time and work hard.

・What kind of men make an impression on you?
  - Intelligent men make an impression on me.

・When do we use the definite article?
  - We use the definite article bofore nouns used in a particlar sense.

・Why do we say ‘the sun’ and not ‘a sun’?
  - We say ‘the sun’ nad not ‘a sun’ because the sun’s unique.

・What do we mean when we say the unemployed?
  - When we say the unemployed we mean all unemployed people.

・Do we say ‘a USA’ or ‘the USA’?
  - We say ‘the USA’. Because ‘the USA’ is the name of a country in the plural.

・What do you do when you feel that you need a break in your daily routine?
  - When I feel that I need a break in my daily rountine, I take a rest.

・What may happen if you don’t use common sense when planning your routine?
  - If I don’t use common sense when planning my daily routine, I may not have enough time to do all the things that I plan to do.

・What would you do if another country declared war on your country?
  - If another country declared war on my country, I’d escape somewhere.

・Do most people declare all their income?
  - Yes, most people declare all their income.
  - Because they fear that if someone found out they didn’t declare all their income, they’d pay a high fine.

・What kind of things bother you?
  - The kind of things which bother me are boring days.

・What’s been the most important event for your country recently?
  - The most important evenet for my countyr recently has beem the earthquake and tusnami.

・What should you do in the event of fire when you’re inside a building?
  - When you’re inside a building, you should leave it immediately in the event of fire.



English Method



・What did terrorists do in order to achieve what they want?
  - Terrorists blow up buildings and kill innocent people to achieve what they want.

・When did terrorists crash planes into the Twin Towers in New York?
  - Terrorists crashed planes into the Twin Towers in New York on 11th September 2001.

・Do you agree it was the beggining of a new kind of international terrorism?
  - Yes, I agree it was the beggining of a new kind of international terrorism.

・Which cities are close to the frontier between your country and the neighbouring countries?
  - Hokkaido and Okinawa are close to the frontier between my country and the neighbouring countries.

・In what other countries in the world do the citizens of your country live?
  - The citizens of my country live in such countries as Korea and China.



English Method



・If you moved house, how long would it take you to install comfortably in the new place?
  - If I moved house, it’d take me two weeks to install comfortably in the new place.

・Why do some people fear flying?
  - Some people fear flying because they think the plane may crash.

・When do most plane crashes happen?
  - Most plane crashes happen when planes take off or land.

・Realizing the fact that most plane crashes happen during takeoff, would you feel nervous on a plane that was about to take off?
  - Yes, realizing the fact that most plane crashes happen during takeoff, I’d feel nervous on a plane that was about to take off.

・What would you do if you saw two cars crashing into each other?
  - If I saw two cars crashing into each other, I’d first try to call the police and then I’d try to help.

・Why do car crashes happen so often in some countries?
  - I think car crashes happen so often in some countries because the roads are bad and narrow while the traffic’s quite heavy.

・What time does the morning rush hour start in your city?
  - The morning rush hour starts at 7 o’clock in my city.

・Do you agree the only fools rush when there’s an important decision to be made?
  - Yes, I agree that only fools rush when there’s an important decision to be made.

・How do usually pack your suitcase when you fo away for a two-week holiday?
  - When I go away for a two-week holiday, I first pack into my suitcase things like frousers, shoes and then socks, T-shirts, and books.

・At what time of the day are publish means of transport usually the most packed?
  - Publish means of transport are usually the most packed during the morning and evening rush hour.

・What do we mean by a pack of playing cards?
  - By a pack of playing cards we mean a set of playing cards.

・Do you beleive it’ll ever be possible for people to live forever?
  - No, I don’t believe it’ll ever be possible for people to live forever.

・What would you do if you caught a burglar red-handed stealing things from you house?
  - If I caught a burglar red-handed stealing things from my house, I’d call the police.

・Whom do we call a twin?
  - A twin’s one of two children born at the same time from the same mother.

・In what ways can twins differ?
  - Twins can differ in the way they behave or think.

・What can be the advantage of having a twin brother or sister?
  - The advantage of having a twin brother or sister can be making different jokes at other people’s expense.

















治療法 : 1~2週間でよくなります。慣れましょう。

↑ …っておいおい!!




English Method



・Why do women use lipstick?
  - Women use lipstick to add colour to their lips.

・If you were to appear on TV, what would be put on your face and why?
  - If I were to appear on TV, some face-powder would be put on my face so that it wouldn’t shine.

・What kind of story would you make up?
  - I’d probably say that I was late because of the traffic.

・What would you do if I behaved as if I were your friend?
  - If you behave as if you were my friend, I’d be really surprised.

・Has anyone ever talked to you as if you were a child?
  - No, no one’s ever talked to me as if I were a child.
  - Because I don’t allow people to talk to me in this way.

・What would you do if someone behaved in your house as if he owned it?
  - If someone behaved in my house as if he owned it, I’d never invite him again.

・Why do some men have a bad attitude towards women?
  - Some men have a bad attitude towards women because they’re afraid of them.

・Is it safe to hitch-hike in your country?
  - Yes, it’s safe to hitch-hike in my country.
  - Because most drivers have a good attitude to hitch-hikers and like to pick up people.

・What’s the most common reason why some women are late for dates?
  - I think the most common reason why some women are late for dates is not enough time to put make-up on.

・How do people usually greet each other?
  - People usually greet each other with kisses or by shaking their hands.

・What’s more difficult for an actor: to be a comedian or to play in a thriller?
  - It’s more difficult for an actor to be a comedian than to play in a thriller.
  - Because it’s more difficult to make people laugh than to scare them.

・Do we say that we attach or enclose things in letters?
  - We say that we enclose things in letters.

・What do we call the picture we’ve attached?
  - We then call the picture we’ve attached an attachment.

・What do people sometimes enclose in letters besids photos?
  - People sometimes enclose money besids photos.

・What do people put things they enclose in letters?
  - People put things they enclose in letters into envelopes.



English Method




・Who is it high time we visited when we’ve got a toothache?
  - It’s high time we visited a dentist when we’ve got a toothache.

・If you were asked to show your city to a group of foreign students, what things would you include and what would you leave out?
  - If I were asked to show my city to a group of foreign students, I’d leave out the Museum of Modern Art.

・If you addressed a letter and left out the postcode, would the letter arrive?
- Yes, I hope that the letter would arrive even if I left out the postcode.

・What kind of things do people often leave behind on buses?
- People often leave umbrellas and books behind on buses.

・Is it sometimes worth employing a person lacking in exprience but making up for it in the willingness to learn?
  - Yes, it’s sometimes worth employing a person lacking in experience but making up for it in the willingness to learn.

・Of all the books you’ve read, which do you think was a real masterpiece?
  - Of all the books I’ve read, I think Harry Potter was a real masterpiece.

・Is it safe to throw gunpowder into a fire?
  - No, it isn’t safe throw gunpowder into a fire but it’s very dangerous.



English Method



・If you organised a party at home, would the place be in an awful mess afterwards?
  - Yes, if I organised a party at home, the place would be in an awful mess afterwards.

・How long does it take before a puppy learns not to mess on the floor?
  - It takes three months before a puppy learns not to mess on the floor.

・What kind of people isn’t it wise to messs with?
  - It isn’t wise to mess with lawyers.
  - Because knowing the law well gives them a great advantage over others.

・What do you have to do if you mess up an exam?
  - If I mess up an exam, I have to study more and take it again.

・What do people usually argue about when they’re getting divorced?
  - When people usually are getting divorced, they usually argue about their children, their house and money.

・What would you do if you heard your neighbours quarrelling in the middle on the night?
  - If I heard my neighbours quarrelling in the middle of the night, I’d do nothing.

・When was the last time you had a quarrel with someone?
  - The last time I had a quarrel with someone was two days ago.
  - I quarrelled with my friend about the results of the last election.

・When you nod your head during a discussion, what is it a sign of?
  - When you nod your head during a discussion, it’s a sign that you agree with the other person.

・In which European country is shaking your head in a discussion a sign of agreeing?
  - Shaking your head in a discussion is a sign of agreeing in Bulgaria.

・What’s chat?
  - A chat’s a friendly discussion.

・How can teenagers chat with friends?
  - Teenagers can chat with friends on the phone or on the Internet.

・In what kind of dish is soup usually served?
  - The kind of dish in which is soup’s usually served is a soup plate.

・When do we use the expression ‘it is time’?
  - We use the expression ‘it is time’ to show that the right time to do something has come.

・Why do we sometimes add the world ‘high’?
  - We sometimes add the word ‘high’ to emphasise the fact that it’s a little late.



English Method


・What kind of men are women most attracted to?
  - Women are most attracted to handsome and intelligent men.

・What kind of women are men most attracted to?
  - Men are most attracted to gorgeous and intelligent women.

・What attracts you most about people when you meet them for the first time?
  - The thing that attracts me most about people when I meet them for the first time is their voice.

・What does ‘what’ mean when used as a relative pronoun?
  - ‘What’ used as a relative promun means ‘the things that’.

・How do we use ‘which’ as a relative pronoun?
  - ‘Which’ used as a relative pronoun follows a group of words in the sentece, as a comment on this sentence.


English Method


・Give me an example of a sentece with the expression ‘hit the nail right on the head’.
  - You’ve just hit the nail right on the head – one of the best way to learn English is DME.

・How often do you change the channel when watching TV?
  - I change the channel very oftne when watching TV.

・What can I mean if you often change the channels?
  - It can mean that you can’t make up your mind if you often change the channels.

・What’s the name of the famous Channel between Europe and Great Britain?
  - The name of the famouse Channel between Europe and Great Britain is the English Channel.

・When can it be difficult to make up one’s mind?
  - If can be difficult to make up one’s mind when there are too many choices.

・Have you ever made an important decision and then changed your mind afterwards?
  - Yes, I’ve made an important decision and then changed my mind afterwards.
  - I had to decide whether to rent a flat or not.

・Which car was voted the car of the year in 2008?
  - Fiat 500 was voted the car of the year in 2008.

・At what age whould people get the vote?
  - People should get the vote at the age of 20.
  - People should get the vote at the age of 20 because they start understanding the consequences of their desicion then.

・What do women often put on their fingernails?
  - Women often put nail polish on their fingernails.

・In what situation do people often break their nails?
  - People often break their nails while cleaning the house or washing the dishes.

・What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  - The crazist thing I’ve ever done was drinking so much that I’ve slept on a station.

・Why are some teenagers so nuts about famous singers?
  - Some teenagers are so nuts about famous singers because they imagine themselves to be famous singer one day.

・What things drive you bananas?
  - Crazy castomers drive me bananas.

・Why must every person who wants to do a jump fold their parachute themselves?
  - Every person who wants to do a jump must fold their parachute themselves because everyone’s responsible themselves for folding their parachute in such a way that it opens in the air.

・What’s the chief cause of crime?
  - I think the chief cause of crime is the fact that some people are addicted to drugs.

・What are some of the chief peoblems of your city?
  - Some of the chief peoblems of my city are the lack of some traffic lights on norrow roads.

・Where can you find chiefs?
  - You can find chiefs in the army, in the police and in some companies.

・Who were the most famous Native American / Indian chiefs?
  - The most famouse Native American / Indian chiefs were Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and Geronimo.

・Why are some people considered old-fashioned about marriage?
  - Some people are considered old-fashioned about marriage, because they think people shouldn’t live together untill they get married.

・What did Indians chiefly use toe make clothes before white people conquered their lands?
  - Indians chiefly used leather to make clothes before white people conqured their lands.

・What do we mean by admission to an organisation?
  - By admission to an organisation we mean we’re accepted into it.

・How many countries applied for admission to the European Union in 2004?
  - 10 countries applied for admission to the European Union in 2004.

・How old must be a person be if they don’t want to be refused admission to a club?
  - A person must be at least 18 if they don’t want to be refused admission to a club.

・What kind of furniture would you like to furnish your room with?
  - I’d like to furnish my room with such furniture as a wooden desk and leather armchairs.



English Method



・What do we use a noticeboad for?
  - We use a noticeboard for putting notices on.

・Where does a schoool teacher usually write information or examples?
  - A school teacher usually writes information or examples on a blackboard or a whiteboard.

・How much does board and lodging cost in your city?
  - Board and lodging costs about 6,000 yen in my city.

・When do we use the expression ‘hit the nail right on the head’?
  - We use the expression ‘hit the nail right on the head’ to say that what someone has said is exactly right.







・英語:LEE CHILDの長編小説にトライ中!ずいぶんREEDINGスキルがあがった。







2004年(平成16年) 国内旅行業務取扱主任者

2010年(平成22年) 二級ファイナンシャル・プランニング技能士

2011年(平成23年) TOEIC 685点(1月)

2011年(平成23年) AFP認定研修修了

2011年(平成23年) 調剤事務管理士






English Method


・I called my brother at 8 p.m., but he wasn’t at home. He finises his work at 6 and usually arrives home at 6.45. What might have happed?
  - He might have had an accident.

・What do we use to build a house?
  - We use boards and bricks to build a house.

・What do we call the person who lays bricks?
  - We call the person who lays bricks a bricklayer.

・How can you fix a picture to a wall?
  - You can fix a picture to a wall by hammering a nail into the wall and then hanging the picture on it.

・Tom lost money. He thinks he lost it on the bus.
  - Tom couldn’t have lost the moeny on the bus for sure because he stayed at home all day yesterday.

・Robert claims he wrote the test last lesson.
  - Robert couldn’t have written the test last lesson for sure because the teacher was too late to give use the test.

・What do people usually bet on?
  - People usually bet on horses or football.

・How old must you be if you want to place a bet on horses?
  - You must be 18 if you want to place a bet on horses.



English Method


・What happens when someone becomes a drug addict?
  - When someone becomes a drug addit, they can’t control themselves and soon lose everything.

・How long does it take to become addicted to drugs?
  - It takes a very short time to become addicted to drugs.

・Are you addicted to TV / the Internet / computer games?
  - Yes, I’m addidted to the Internet.

・What percentage of people in your country do you think buy their car from a dealer?
  - I think a low percentage of people in my country buy their car from a dealer.

・How often do you polish your shoes?
  - I polish my shoes once a month.

・Why do we polish our shoes?
  - We polish our shoes for protection against the weather.

・What do people usually wear or carry for protection against sunshine?
  - People usually wear sunglasses, and hats or carry an unbrella for protection against sunshine.

・Should we protect animals that are in danger of extinction?
  - Yes, we should protect animals that are in danger of extinction.
  - We can forbid hunting for their protection.

・What were you to do yesterday?
  - I was to go for a shopping.

・Was there anything you were to have done yesterday but you couldn’t do?
  - Yes, there was something I was to have done yesterday but I couldn’t do it.
  - I didn’t have enough time to do it.

・Was ther anybody you were to call yesterday?
  - Yes, there was somebody I was to call yesterday.

・Was there anybody you were to have called yesterday but you couldn’t?
  - No, there wasn’t anybody I was to have called yesterday but I couldn’t.

・What things do people collect?
  - People collcet things like old books or stamps.

・If your job was to put dates on letters, would it save time if you used a date stamp?
  - Yes, if my job was to put dates on letters, it would save time if I used a date stamp.

・What did soldiers wear for protection in the past?
  - Soldiers wore armour for protection in the past.

・Why do some people have their cars armoured?
  - Some people have their cars armoured because they’re afraid someone may want to kill them.

・What do you use for skin protection when you sunbathe?
  - I use suntain lotion for skin protection when I sunbathe.



English Method



・What kind of things do critics usually review?
  - Critics usually review films or books.

・Does it sometimes happen that a film which is very poor according to critics’ reviews has a large audience?
  - Yes, it sometimes happens that a film which is very poor according to critics’ reviews has a large audience.

・Would you feel wounded if you heard unfair criticism?
  - Yes, I’d feel wounded if I heard unfair criticism.

・Are you used to reasonable criticism?
  - Yes, I’m used to reasonable criticism.

・What are you to do at work tomorrow?
  - I am to send e-mails at work tomorrow.

・What time are you to return home after the lesson today?
  - I am to return home not later than 8 o’clock after the lesson today.

・What does the court often tell criminals if they aren’t immediately arrested and put in prison?
  - The court often tells criminals that they aren’t to leave the country if they aren’t immediately arrested and put it in prison.

・What would you do if you were to get married next week?
  - If I were to get married next week, I would check if everything is ready.

・Do you know when the next World Football Championship is to start?
  - Yes, I know when the next World Football Championship is to start.
  - The next World Football Championship is to start in 2014.

・Is drug addiction a serious social problem?
  - Yes, drug addiction’s a serious social problem.

・What other addictions may cause problems?
  - Drinking is another addiction that may cause problems.



English Method


それも、結構ある…。Good Evening!は使ったことがないなんて…。ショック。


・What’s the abbreviation for British Broadcasting Corporation?
  - The abbreviation for British Broadcasting Corporation is BBC.

・Spell the abbreviation for the United States of America.
  - The abbreviation for the United States of America is the U-S-A.

・Why do we sometimes fall under another person’s spell?
  - We sometimes fall under another person’s spell because they’re very charming and intelligent.

・What time do they broadcast your favorite TV programme?
  - They broadcast my favorite TV programme at 7 p.m.

・Which brand names in your country have been a great commercial success?
  - The brand names in my country that have been a great commercial success are Sony and Toshiba.

・What do you do when there’s a commercial break on TV?
  - When there’s a commercial break on TV, I usually go to a bathroom.

・How long should a commercial break last?
  - A commercial break should last no more than 3 minutes.

・Do you prefer commercial TV to public TV?
  - No, I don’t prefer commercial TV to public TV.
  - Because there aren’t so many commercial breaks on pulic TV as on commercial TV.

・If a company wanted to introduce a new brand name to the market, would it be better to advertise it by TV commercial or newspaper advertisements?
  - If a company wanted to introduce a new brand name to the market, it would be better to advertise it by TV commercial.

・If you work hard, do you have a better chance of being promoted?
  - Yes, if you work hard, you have a better chance of being promoted.

・What do children have to do if they want to be promoted to the next year at school?
  - Children must study and do their homework if they want to be promoted to the next year at school.

・What are the benefit of living with your parents?
  - The benefit of living with your parents are that you can share all the bills with them.

・What are the benefits of studying abroad?
  - The benefits of studying abroad are that you can larn the language faster.

・What are the benefits of a good education?
  - The benefits of a good education are that you can find a better-paid job.

・How have the benefited from the fact that medicine has advanced so much in the last 50 years?
  - I think people have benefited from the fact that medicine has advanced so much in the last 50 years because they live longer and they’re more conscious of the dangers connected with the way they live.

・Is it worth working hard day and night to enjoy the benefits at retirement?
  - No, it’s not worth working hard day and night to enjoy the benefits at retirement.
  - Because it’s not worth losing your youth to enjoy your retirement.



English Method



・What should you do when someone becomes unconscious?
  - When someone becomes unconscious, I should call a doctor.

・What’s the opposite of ‘on purpose’?
  - The opposite of ‘on purpose’ is ‘by accident’.

・What happen if blood supplies in a hospital run low?
  - If blood supplies in a hospital run low, they may need to stop operating on people.

・How’s water supplies for this city?
  - Water for this city’s supplied from the river.

・What can it sometimes mean when a student shows a lack of interest in learning?
  - When a student shows a lack of interest in learing, it can mean that the lessons are boring.

・How much time is sufficient for you to relax compeletely and forget about everyproblems?
  - One week is sufficient time for me to relax compretely and forget about everyday problems.

・What’s your country lacking in most?
  - My country’s lacking in nurseries.

・How much money is sufficient to survive a month in this city?
  - I think 50,000 yen is sufficient to survive a month in this city.

・What do we use ‘mustn’t’ for?
  - We use ‘mustn’t’ to show an obligation not to do something.

・Do ‘needn’t’ and ‘don’t have to’ mean that you aren’t allowed to do something?
  - No, ‘needn’t’ and ‘don’t have to’ don’t mean that you aren’t allowed to do something but they mean that an action isn’t necessary.

・Must you bring your own towels to a hotel?
  - No, you don’t have to bring your own towels to a hotel.
  - Because the towels are supplied by the hotel.

・Can you take the hotel towels from the hotel when you leave?
  - No, you mustn’t take the hotel towels from the hotel when you leave.
  - Because it’s stealing.

・Must you buy food if your fridge is full?
  - No, you needn’t buy food if your fridge is full.



English Method


・What do we call the perosn who serves food in a restaurant?
  - We call the person who serves food in a restaurant a waiter / waitress.

・What does a steward / stewardess do?
  - A steward / stewardess takes care of passengers on a plane or a ship.

・What’s another word for ‘steward’?
  - Another word for ‘steward’ is ‘flight attendant’.

・How old must a person be to join the police service in your country?
  - A person must be a 18 to join the police service in my country.

・What may happen if a company loses in fierce competition?
  - If a company loses in fierce competition, it may go broke and the employees may become unemployed or employed by the competition.

・Can a small local shop compete with a large international one?
  - Yes, a small local shop can compete with a large international one.
  - It can compete by offering better quality of service.

・What’s a beauty contest?
  - A beauty contest’s a competition in which the most beautiful wonan’s chosen.



English Method



・What do we use ‘absolutely’ for?
  - We use ‘absolutely’ to emphasise that something is completely true.

・What happens with a seriously ill person if there’s absolutely nothing more that doctors can do?
  - A seriously ill person usually dies if there’s absolutely nothing more that doctors can do.

・What do you think of the idea that all children should wear uniforms to school?
  - I think this is a very good idea that all children should wear uniform to school.

・Is it a good idea not to swich the iron off when you go on holiday?
  - No, it isn’t a good idea not to switch the iron off when you go on holiday.
  - If I forgot to switch it off, the house could burn down.

・Do you have any idea why customers choose to buy in one shop and not in another, even though they seem the same?
  - Customers choose to buy in one shop and not in another, even though they seem the same, because the prices are lower.

・What’s the ideal weight for a 180 cm tall man?
  - The ideal weight for a 180 cm tall man is 80 kg.

・Describe the ideal boss.
  - The ideal boss is ambitious and determined. People respect him because he always does what he says.

・When was the first city built?
  - I have no idea when the first city was built.

・Who built the first car?
  - I have no idea who built the first car.

・Which king invented the umbrella?
  - I have no idea which king invented the umbrella.

・How long does it take to master the Chinese system of writing?
  - It takes about 5 years to master the Chinese system of writing.

・What would you like to be a master of?
  - I’d like to be a master of the Chinese system of writing.

・What does a headmaster do?
  - A headmaster is in charge of a school.

・What should an ideal headmaster be like?
  - I think an ideal headmaster should be professional, well-edycated, determined, and honest.

・Is there anything you should have bought because the price was reasonable?
  - Yes, there’s something I should have bought because the price was reasonable.

・You stayed too late at the party last night. You came late to work this morning.
  - I shouldn’t have stayed so late at the party last night.

・Why isn’t it reasonable to give children sweets before a meal?
  - It isn’t reasonable to give children sweets before a meal because it spoils theri appetite.



English Method



・What can sometimes spoil a customer’s satisfaction?
  - The fact that one could get a better price somewhere else can sometimes spoil a customer’s satisfaction.

・How can grandparents sometimes spoil their grandchildren?
  - Grandprarents can sometimes spoil their grandchildren by giving them too many sweets and toys.

・For what reasons do parents praise their children?
  - Parents prise their children for good marks at school.

・Why do the police use dogs when they search for criminals?
  - The plice use dogs when they search for criminals because dogs have a strong sense of smell.

・Do you clean your house when necessary or only when you’re expecting visitors?
  - I clean my house when necessary and not only when I’m expecting visitors.

・In which country can a visitor expect to be treated in the most friendly way?
  - A visitor can expect to be treated in the most friendly way in Slovakia.

・Which fruit is in season at the moment?
  - The peach is in season at the moment.

・Which fruit’s out of season now?
  - The plim’s out of season now.

・When’s the best season to sunbathe at the seaside?
  - The best season to sunbathe at the seaside is summer.

・What words can we use to describe people who are pleasant to look at?
  - We can use pretty, beautiful, good-looking, handsome, gorgeous, and attractive to describe people to look at.

・What makes a man attractive?
  - Good looking and intelligece make a man attractive.

・What do we mean by gorgerous weather?
  - By gorgeous weather we mean warm weather with a lot of sunshine.

・Where in the workd can you find the most gorgeous views?
  - You can find the most georgeous views in the world in the Himalayas.



English Method





・For what reasons are people usually dismissed from work?
  - People are usually dismissed from work when they’re lazy.

・If you were running a business and had lazy employees, would you dismiss them even if it meant that you had to do most of the work yourself?
  - Yes, if I were running a business and had lazy employees, I’d dismiss them even if it meant I had to do most of the work myself.

・What do you get when you sunbathe in the sunshine?
  - When you sunbathe in the sunshine, you get a suntain.

・Where do people usually go when they want to sunbathe?
  - I sunbathe at the seaside once a year.



English Method



・What’s a reasonable price for a new computer?
  - A reasonable price for a new computer is 50,000 yen.

・How long would it take you to get used to living in another city?
  - It’d take me about two weeks to get to living in another city.

・How hard would it be for you to get used to driving on the right?
  - It would be difficult for me to get used to driving on the right.

・How long daily did you use to watch TV five years ago?
  - I used to wach TV for two hours daily five years ago.
・How long daily are you used to watching it now?
  - I’m used to watching TV for five hours now.

・Did you use to go to school by bus?
  - Yes, I used to go to school by bus.
  - No, I didn’t use to go to school by bus.

・Are you used to going to school by bus?
  - Yes, I’m used to going to school by bus.
  - No, I’m not used to going to school by bus.

・What foods do you have to turn over when cooking?
  - You have to turn over beef when cooking.

・What would I have to do if I wanted to read questions from next page?
  - You’d have to turn over the page if you wanted to read questions from the next one.

・Which company makes a bigger yearly turnover: CNN or BBC?
  - CNN makes a bigger yearly turnover than BBC.

・What may account for a high turnover of employees in a company?
  - Low pay or poor working conditions may account for a high turnover employees in a company.

・What’s one of the best paid proffessions in your country?
  - Being a lawyer’s one of the best paid professions in my country.

・Why do some sportsmen turn professional?
  - Some sportsmen turn professional becauset they want to be on a better salary.

・How much do lawyers charge for professional advice?
  - Lawyers charge too much for professional advice.

・What’s the difference between ‘salary’ and ‘wage’?
  - The difference between ‘salary’ and ‘wage’ is that we recieve a salary every month and we recieve a wage weekly.

・If you were seriously injured in a road accident, how long would you have to be nursed in hospital?
  - If I were seriously injured in a road accident, I’d have to be nursed for two months in hospital.

・Whould you become old, would you prefer to be nursed by your children or would you preger to live in a home for the aged?
  - When I become old, I’d prefer to be nursed by my children rather than live in a for the age.

・What’s a nursery?
  - A nursery’s a place where children between the age of 1 and 3 are taken care of while their parents are at work.

・Give me examples of jobs in which people recieve a salary.
  - Employees in an office, professional people such as teachers or doctors, white-collar workers recieve a salary.

・Give me examples of jobs in which people recieve a wage.
  - People who work in factories, caroebters, plumbers, bricklayers, blue-collar workers recieve a wage.

・What kind of work does a blue-collar worker do?
  - A blue-collar worker does hard physical work usually in a factory.

・What’s the job of a plumber?
  - The job of a plumber is to repair watehr pipes and toilets.

・What kind of skilled workers are in demand nowadays?
  - Bricklayers and capenters are skilled workers in demand nowadays.

・What kind of people choose hostels rather than hotels?
  - Students and young people choose hostels rather than hotels.

・Why do some people choose hostels rather than hotels?
  - Somepeople choose hostels rather than hotels because they’re much cheaper.

・How much do you have to pay for lodging in this city?
  - You have to pay 6,000 yen a night for lodging in this city.

・What was the biggest discount that you’ve ever recieved?
  - The biggest discount that I’ve ever recieved was 50%.
  - I bought a my computer in the sales.


















English Method


・Who occupies the position of Prime Minister in your country?
  - Naoto Kan occupies the position of Prime Minister in my country.

・How long does the president occupy his position in your country?
  - The president occupies his position for four years in my country.

・Whould you like to want to go university after they’ve finised school?
  - If people want to go to university after they’ve finised school, they have to apply to it.

・Where in the world is the level of unemployment the highest?
  - The level of unemployment is the highest in third world countries.

・How high is unemployment in your country?
  - Unemployment in my country is 10%.

・Why do people become unemployed?
  - People become unemployed because they don’t have enough skill to work.

・Should there be special programmes that help the unemployed returen to work?
  - Yes, there shoule be special programmes that help the unemployed return to work.

・How should an unemployed person search for a job?
  - An employed person should search for a job by looking over advertisements in newspapers.

・What did you use to recieve from relatives at Christmas?
  - I used to recieve toys and sweets from relatives at Christmas.

・Can the kind of toys that children play with affect their behaiviour?
  - Yes, the kind of toys that children play with can affect their behaviour.
  - Some toys can help children develop different skills, their thinking and imagination.

・Whould you happy to share to your book with another student if it turned out that he had forgotten to bring his?
  - Yes, I’d happy to share my book with another student if it turned out that he had forgotten to bring his.

・Can some married people still love each other even if they’ve had to share many ups and downs in their marriage?
  - Yes, some married people still love each other even if they’ve had to share many ups and downs in their marriage.

・Do you usually postpone doing things or do you them immediately?
  - I sometimes postpone doing things but I usually do them immediately.

・Why is it sometimes a bad idea to postpone doing things?
  - It’s sometimes a bad idea to postpone doning things, because they may never done.

・Why do some newly married couples postpone having children?
  - Some newly married couples postpone having children because they want to earn some money first.

・If you didn’t have enought money to buy something, would you postpone buying it or would you borrow moeny?
  - If I didn’t have enough money to buy something, I would postpone buying it.

・If I said I saw a couple of men in a pub yesterday, how many men would I mean?
  - If you said you saw a couple of men in a pub yesterday, you’d mean two men.

・Give me one good reason why we all should learn languages.
  - One good reason why we all should learn languages is that we can communicate with people from other countries.



English Method



・What skills are important in most language exams?
  - Reading, Writing, listening and speaking are skills which are important in most language exams.

・What would you have to to if you were about to start your own business?
  - If I were about to start my own business, I’d borrow money from a bank and find a proper place.

・What would you tell if you were about to change your job?
  - I’d tell my friend if I were about to change my job.

・What do people often do when they are about to get divorced?
  - When people are about to get divorced, they often fight.

・What are you about to do when the teacher point his finger at you?
  - I am about to answer a question when the teacher points his finger at me.

・What would you thing if you saw someone standing in the window?
  - If I saw someone standing in the window, I would think that he was about to jump out.

・What does a driver do when he’s about to start the car engine?
  - A driver takes the brake off when he’s about to start the car engine.

・What do children like doing best?
  - Children like playing with toys and eating sweets best.

・What kind of toys do little children love most of all?
  - Little children love dolls, teddy bears and toy cars most of all.

・Are there any toys that babies under the age of three shouldn’t play with?
  - Yes, there are some toys that babies under the age of three shouldn’t play with.
  - Toys which contain small elements.

・What was your favourite toy when you were child?
  - My favourite toy when I was a child was a teddy bear.



English Method


take that の曲に乗りながら、Lesson127のはじめから途中まで!

・What can people have a fear of?
  - People can have a fear of flying.

・Why do some people fear dogs?
  - Some people fear dogs perhaps because they’ve been scared seriously by one.

・What’s your greatest fear?
  - My greatest fear’s the unknown.

・Which is safer for the envionment: nuclear power or splar power?
  - Solar power’s safer for the environment then nuclear power.

・How can we all take care of the environment?
  - We can all take care of the environment by using things that can be recycled.

・What can we recycle?
  - We can recycle paper and glass.

・Why do people quit their jobs?
  - People quit their jobs because they earn too little money.

・Which companies usually offer their products for a trial period?
  - Companies which produce softwear usually offer their products for a trial period.

・What kind of person is an optimist?
  - An optimist’s a person who believes that things usually turn out well in the end.

・Which takes less time to pay off: a car loan or a bank mortgage?
  - It usually takes less time to pay off a car loan than a bank mortage.

・What would you do if it turned out you couldn’t pay back a loan to your bank?
  - If it turned out I couldn’t pay back a loan to my bank, I’d ask my family or friends for help.



English Method


・What’s the best age to teach children to tidy up their rooms?
  - The best age to teach children to tidy up their rooms is four years.

・How often do they tidy rooms in a hotel?
  - They tidy rooms in a hotel every day or when they’re asked to.

・How long is a university term in this country?
  - A university term in this country is four months long.

・In which term do students usually have exams at university?
  - Students usually have exams at university at the end of the summer term or in the spring term.

・When you stay in a hotel, do they usually expect payment on the day when you arrive or when you leave?
  - When you stay in a hotel, they usually expect payment on the day when you leave.

・Which room in a hotel offers more confort: a single one or a double one?
  - A double room in a hotel offers more confort than a single one.

・When you travel by train, do you buy a single ticket or a returen one?
  - When I travel by train, I sometimes buy a single ticket and sometimes a return one.

・Whould it be easy to go through one’s entire life being single?
  - No, it wouldn’t be easy to go through one’s entire life being single.
  - Because you have no one you can depend on.

・What’s the main disadvantage of mass-production?
  - The main disadvantage of mass production is lower quality / the fact that all products are more or less the same.

・When looking for a job what can give you an advantage over others?
  - I think a university education can five me an advantage over others when looking for a job.

・What are the advantages of public education for the masses?
  - The advantages of public education for the masses are that more people can study.

・What would you think if you saw a mass of people at the entrance of a shop?
  - If I saw a mass of people at the entrance of a shop, I’d think they were selling something cheaply.

・How do schoolchildren sometimes take advantage of a teacher’s absence?
  - Schoolchildren sometimes take advantage of a teacher’s absence by misbehaving or not doing their work properly.

・What do doctors usually forbid people?
  - Doctors usually forbid people smoking / drinking.

・Is drink-driver forbidden?
  - Yes, drink-driver’s forbidden.

・Should smoking in public places be forbidden?
  - Yes, smoking in public places should be forbidden.
  - Because other people are in danger of passive smoking.

・What did your parents forbid you to do when you were a child?
  - My parents forbade me to come home later than 10 o’clock when I was a child.

・What do you do when someone doesn’t get the joke you are trying to make?
  - When someone doesn’t get the joke I’m trying to make, I say ‘never mind’ or ‘forget it’.

・What’s retirement?
  - Retirement’s the time when you retire from work or the time after you’ve retired.

・What’s the retirement age for women?
  - The retirement age for women is 65 in my country.

・What do most people do in their retirement?
  - Most people take care of their grandchildren in their retirement.


English Method


・What kind of people can’t usually take care of themselves?
  - The kind of people who can’t usually take care of themselvese are little children, sick people and very old people.

・Who takes care of children if parents want to go out?
  - A babysitter takes care of children if parents want to go out.

・Give me example of things which must be done with great care.
  - Littele babies must be held with great care.
  - Washing up glasses must be done with great care.

・What words can we use when we say goodbye to a friend?
  - We can use the the words ‘Take care!’ when we say goodby to a friend.


English Method

ん?blogger メンテナンス?


・What should you do if you smell gas leaking out of a pipe?
  - If you smell gas leaking out of a pipe, you should open the window.

・What should you do if your car leaks oil like a sieve?
  - If my car leaks oil like a sive, I should immediately call my mechanic.

・What will soon happen if you don’t repair the roof immediately it starts leaking?
  - If you don’t repair the roof immediately it starts leaking, it will soon leak a sieve.

・Who’s the most terrible driver you know?
  - My mom is the most terrible driver I know.

・What’s the most terrible news you heard last week?
  - The most terrible news I heard last week was about the flood of Missisippi River.

・Where in the world are the weather conditions the most awful?
  - The weather conditions are the most awful in the North and South Poles.

・Who was the first person to reach the South Pole?
  - Roald Amundsen was the first person to reach the South Pole in 1911.

・Is it a horrible feeling when our friend lies to us?
  - Yes,it’s a horrible feeling when our friend lies to us.

・What had you better do if you don’t want to get lost in a foreign country?
  - If you don’t want to get lost in a foreign country, you had better take a guidebook with you.

・What may happen when you get seriously injured?
  - When you get seriously injured, you may bleed to death.

・How did they use to hunt animals in the old time?
  - They used to hunt animals with bows and arrows in the old times.

・Did animals always die immediately when shot with an arrow?
  - No, animals didn’t always die immediately when shot with an arrow, but sometimes they bled to death.

・If you lost your job, how would you try to organise job-hunting?
  - If I lost my jon, I’d try to organise job-hunting by sendeing e-mails to different companies and looking over advertisements in newspaper.



English Method



・Where in the world you like to settle forever?
  - I’d like to settele forever on the coast of an ocean.

・How do you settle your nerves after a very tiring day?
  - I settle my nerves after a very tiring day by relaxing.

・What’s the best thing to do in order to stir children’s imagination?
  - The best thing to do in order to stir children’s imagination is to read books to them.

・How do usually settle your bills: by money transfer, in cash, or by cheque?
  - I usually settle my bills by money transfer.

・If people sometimes can’t settle a problem themselves, where do they go to settle?
  - If people sometimes can’t settle a problem themselvs, they go to court to settle it.

・When do people in your country gather together?
  - People in my country gather together on national holidays or on New Year’s Eve.

・Are most people in this country opposed to their government?
  - Yes, most people in this country are opposed to their government.
  - Because they don’t believe what politicians said.

・What have you achieve today?
  - I’ve achieve a lot today. I got a new contract for my company today.

・Can we achieve anything by punishing children?
  - Yes, we can achieve something by punishing children.
  - We can teach them how to behave properly.

・Who controls Microsoft?
  - Bill Gates controls Microsoft.

・What do you use to control your TV?
  - I use a remote control to control my TV.

・When can it be difficult to control one’s feelings?
  - It can be difficult to control one’s feelings when something very unpleasant happens to us or when somebody we know well dies.

・Which countries were under Russian control forty years ago?
  - Poland, East Germany, and Romania were under Russian control forty years ago.

・What would you do if hardly anyone came to your wedding party?
  - If hardly anyone came to my wedding party, I’d be really sad.

・What’s the different between: ‘He works hard’ and ‘He hardly works’?
  - ‘He works hard’ means that he works a lot and ‘He hardly works’ means that he almost never works.

・What do you do with the heating in your car when it gets warmer outside?
  - I turn the heating lower in my car when it gets warmer outside.

・His recommendation was strong.
  - He recommended the film very strongly.

・He is a careful cleaner.
  - He cleans the flat carefuly.

・What’s the freedom of the press?
  - The freedom of the press is the freedom to write anything they want and to express any opinion they want.

・Which part of the media has the most influence on people?
  - The press and television are the parts of the media that have the most influence on people.

・Do governments want to control the media?
  - Yes, government want to control the media.
  - Because if they control the media, they can have influence on people.

・What may sometimes happen if certain information is leaked to the media?
  - A scandal may sometimes break if certain information is leaked to the media.



English Method

連休明け!ということで、New Teacherで元気よく。


・What’s the singular of scissors?
  - Scissors have no singular. They’re always plural.

・What’s the plural of coffee?
  - Coffee has no plural. It’s always singular.

・Can we count water?
  - No, we can’t count water. Because it’s a liquid.
  - But we can count bottles of water.

・Can we count bread?
  - No, we can’t count bread. Because it’s a substance.

・What can we use if we want to count furniture?
  - We can use ‘a piece’ / ‘pieces’ if we want to count furniture.

・Why do we say ‘the police are’ and not ‘the police is’?
  - We say ‘the police are’ and not ‘the police is’ because the noun ‘police’ is always plural.

・Why do you think a theater audience may sometimes feel fed up?
  - A theater audience may sometimes feel fed up when the actors don’t act well.

・During a stay in a hotel what do they usually ask people to do with the towels?
  - During a stay in a hotel they usually ask people to put dirty towels on the floor and hang clean towels on a hook.

・What can we hang on a hanger and on a hook?
  - We can hang clothes on a hanger and towels on a hook.

・What did they do with murderers in the old times?
  - In the old times they usually hanged murderes in public.

・What are the verb forms of ‘hang’?
  - The verb form of ‘hang’ are ‘hang, hung, hung’ or ‘hang, hanged, hanged’.

・If someone rings you up but don’t want to have a conversation, what do you do?
  - If someone rings me up but I don’t want to have a conversation, I hang up.

・What can you ask people to do if you want them to wait for you?
  - I can ask people to hang on if I want them to wait for me.

・What do you do with your mobile phone when it rings on a bus?
  - When my mobile phone rings on a bus, I switch it off.

・When a person’s name rings a bell, does it mean that you remember the person well?
  - When a person’s name rings a bell, it doesn’t mean that I remember the person well.

・What do some people do with their clothes when they come home tired?
  - Some people lay their clothes just anywhere when they come home tired.

・Why do builders have to be very careful when they lay a gas pipe below the surface of a road?
  - Builders have to be very careful when they lay a gas pipe below the surface of a road because gas may explode if the pipe gets broken.

・When do birds usually lay their eggs?
  - Birds usually lay their eggs in spring.

・When we lay the table, what do we put on it?
  - When we lay the table, we put forks, knives, spoons and plates on it.

・Give me a sentence with one by one.
  - When he cooks, he put seasoning into the pot one by one.

・What things often seem to happen one after another?
  - Bills often seem to come in one after another at the end of each month.

・Do some people prefer to live in the suburbs?
  - Yes, soem people prefer to live in the suburbs.

・Why are flats and houses more expensive in the city center then in the suburbs?
  - Flats and houses are more expensive in the city center because it takes less time to get to work or school if you live in the city center than in the suburbs.

・Why do some people living in the suburbs want to return to the city center?
  - Some people living in the suburbs want to return to the city center because they’re tired of traffic jams.

・Why must students pay attention during the lesson?
  - Students must pay attention during the lesson, because otherwise they won’t learn much.

・How can teacher punish students who are not attending?
  - A teacher can punish students who are not attending by giving them more homework.

・When you enter a shop, do you like it when they attend to you immediately or do you like to have time to look around.
- When I enter a shop, I like it when they don’t attend to me immediately but I have some time to look around.

・What do we use to express a general ability in the past?
  - We use ‘could’ to express a general ability in the past.

・Do we use ‘could’ to express the meaning og ‘to manage’?
  - No, we don’t use ‘could’ to express the meaning of ‘to manage’, but we use ‘was able to’.

・What can we use when the sentence is in the negative?
  - We can use both ‘couldn’t’ and ‘wasn’t able to’ when the sentence in the negative.

・Could you speak English well when you were seven?
  - No, I couldn’t speak English well when I was seven.
  - This sentence expresses a general ability in the past.

・What was the fastest you were able to run the 100 meters?
  - The fastest I was able to run the 100 meters was 30 secounds.
  - It express a particular action in the past.



English Method



・Give me a sentence with ‘as a matter of fact’.
  - No, he didn’t call. As a matter of fact, he didn’t even send e-mail.

・Someone claims you were quite sad when he last saw you at the party.
  - No, I wasn’t sad. As a matter of fact, I really enjoyed the party.

・Susan wants to know if you had a good time on holiday last week.
  - No, I didn’t. As a matter of fact, it rained all the time and we had to stay inside.

・If a pigheaded person says something wrong, is it easy for them to take it back?
  - No, if a pigheaded person says something wrong, it isn’t easy for them to take it back.

・What could you do if you bought clothes that didn’t fit you?
  - If I bought clothes that didn’t fit me, I could take them back to the shop.

・What happenes if someone breaks the traffic rules and the police catch them?
  - If someone breaks the traffic rules and the police catch them, they must pay a fine.

・What’s the rule in English grammar that you’re always forgetting?
  - The rule in English grammer that I’m always forgetting is the use of pronouns.

・What’s the weather forcast for the next three days?
  - The weather forcast for the next three days is heat and light winds.

・what do you do if you can’t stand the heat in summer?
  - If I can’t stand the heat in summer, I take a cold shower and drink beer.

・What do people often keep hidden from others?
  - People often keep their bad habits or person things hidden from others.

・What does ‘I have nothing to hide’ mean?
  - ‘I have nothing to hide’ means that I can tell you everithing because I’ve done nothing wrong or dishonest.

・Where can you hide valuable things?
  - You can hide valuable things in a safe.

・What’s hide-and-seek?
  - Hide-and-seek is a game in which one child tries to find others that hide.

・Where do people go when they seek justice?
  - People go to a court of law when they seek justice.

・When it rains, do people usually seek for somewhere to hide?
  - Yes, when it rains, people usually seek for somewhere to hide.

・What are the verb form of ‘seek’?
  - The verb forms of ‘seek’ are ‘seek, sought, sought’.