

Live Mocha



・O homem veste um casaco preto velho.
- The man wears an old black coat.

・A mulher veste uma camisola azul e uma capa amarela.
- The woman wears a blue shirt and a yellow cape.

・A rapariga veste um vestido rosa e meias brancas.
- The girl wears a pink dress and white socks.

・O rapaz veste uma t-shirt verde e calças de ganga azuis.
- The boy wears a green T-shirt and blue jeans.

・O velho veste calças cor-de-laranja e sapatos vermelhos.
- The old man wears pants-colored orange and red shoes.

・As jovens vestem saias azuis e blusas brancas.
- The young women wear blue skirts and white blouses.

・Eu visto uma t-shirt preta e calças de ganga azuis.
- I wear a black T-shirt and blue jeans.


Presente do verbo vestir:

Eu Visto
Tu Vestes
Ele/Ela Veste
Nós Vestimos
Vós Vestis
Eles/Elas Vestem

Muito Obrigada!! :D





今日English Talkの某先生のLessonを2ヶ月ぶりに受けたところ




・要としているEnglish Method。11月はStage5のクリアが目標。




・Video Newsは毎日すべて見る。





Live Mocha



・A jovem rapariga está a comer o doce, e o rapaz está a ler o livro.
- The young girl is eating the candy, and the boy is reading the book.

・A rapariga está a chorar, mas o rapaz está a sorrir e a trabalhar no edifício.
- The girl is crying, but the boy is smiling and working in the building.

・Eu não estou sentado na cadeira.
- I'm not sitting in the chair.

・Eu estou em pé.
- I'm standing.

・O rapaz está a correr e a brincar, mas os homens estão a trabalhar.
- The boy is running and playing, but men are working.

・Eu estou comendo no jantar.
- I am eating at the dining.

・Eu não estou dormindo na cama.
- I am not sleeping in the bed.

・A mulher está a correr no parque. ela não está a andandar na estrada.
- the woman is running at the park. she is not walking on the road.

・O homem está a ler de livros na biblioteca. Ele não está a escrever em casa.
- the man is reading books in the library. he is not writing at home.

・A menina está a brincar na escola. Ela não está a estudar.
- the girl is playing at the school. she is not studying.

・O menino está a dormir na cama. ele não está a jogar.
- the boy is sleeping in the bed. he is not playing.

・Você está a trabalhar. Você não está a correr.
- You are working. You are not running.

・O homem é careca.
- The man is bald.

・O jovem não é careca.
- The young man is not bald.

・Ela tem cabelo preto e crespo.
- She has black, curly hair.

・Eu tenho cabelo longo e castanho.
- I have long hair and brown.

・O rapaz não tem cabelo ruivo.
- The boy has red hair.

・Ele tem cabelo louro.
- He has blond hair.

・O homem tem uma barba ruiva e um bigode.
- The man has a red beard and a mustache.

・A mulher não tem barba.
- The woman has no beard.

・Ela tem cabelo curto e preto.
- She has short hair and black.

・A mulher tem cabelo longo e loiro. Mas ela não tem cabelo curto amarelo.
- The woman has long blond hair. But she doesn't have short yellow  hair.

・O homem tem cabelo castanho curto. Mas ele não tem cabelo longo ruivo.
- The man has short brown hair. But he doesn't have long red hair.

・A menina tem cabelo rosa curry. Mas ela não tem cabelo liso roxo.
- The girl has pink curry hair. But she doesn't have purple straight hair.

・O menino tem cabelo prateado curto. Mas ele não é careca
- The boy has short silver hair. But he isn't bald.

・Você tem cabelo longo azul. Você não tem cabelo curto verde.
- You have blue long hair. You don't have green short hair.

・Eu tenho cabelo longo preto. Eu não tenho cabelo branco curry.
- I have long black hair. I don't have white curry hair.


English Talk

久々にFace 2 Face。

・ I’m not sure but it’s about 10 degrees in Japan.
× I’m not sure but around 10 degree in Japan.

・ I don’t like winter because I don’t want to move in the cold weather.
× Because in winter i don’t like cold, i don’t want to move in cold weather.

・ I wan born in Iwate, in the north part of Japan.
× When i was a a child i was born in Iwate, northern part of Japan

・ I have lived in Tokyo for about 10 years.
× I have lived for Tokyo for about 10 years.

・ If I study English in the morning, I think I’ll sleepy so I can’t anything.
× If i study English in the morning i feel so sleepy so i cant learn in the morning.

・ Sometimes, I work to overtime.
× I sometimes work to overtime.

・ Actually when I make a promise, I would like to fulfill them but sometimes I don’t.
× Actually when i said my promises i want to do my promise but i can’t do my prmises.

・ I have to take my car to the repair shop.
× I have to my car for repair.

【Apologies, reasons and promises】

・For apologies we often use : I’m really sorry, but I can’t / couldn’t + infinitive.
  - I’m really sorry, but I can’t see you tonight.

・For reason we ogten use : I have to / had to +infinitive.
  - I have to take a client out to dinner.

・For promises we often use : I’ll +infinitive.
  - I’ll do it now.


English Method


・If a big shop in the center of this town belonged to you, would you be rich?
  - Yes, if a big shop in the center of this town belonged to me, I would be rich.

・When are shopping centers full of people?
  - Shopping centers are full of people at the weekend.
  - Because everybody wants to do their shopping.

・What can happen if you carry too many glasses at a time?
  - If you carry too many glasses at a time, you can drop one of them.

・What can happen if a glass drops on the floor?
  - If a glass drops on the floor, it can break into pieces.

・Do you like cofee with a drop of milk?
  - Yes, I like coffee with a drop of milk.

・If you had an eye illness, what would the doctore tell you to do?
  - If I had an eye illness, the doctor would tell me to use eye drops or pills.

・What does the theacher put if the answer in a test is right?
  - The teacher puts a tick if the answer in a test is right.



English Method



・Did your parents take you to the zoo when you were a child?
  - No, my parents took me to the zoo when I was a child.

・Whould it surprise you if you went to the zoo but there were no animals?
  - Yes, it would surprise me if I went to the zoo but there were no animals.

  - Because there are always a lot of animals in the zoo.

・Would you come to the lesson if you felt a bit ill?
  - No, I wouldn’t come to the lesson if I felt a bit ill.

・Why not?
  - Because I wouldn’t learn much if I felt ill.

・What does ‘Vocabulary’ mean?
  - ‘Vocabulary’ means all the words that we know.

・Do you think good pronunciation is important when we speak a foreign language?
  - Yes, I think good pronunciation is important when we speak a foreign language.

・Do you hope you’ll learn English well despite its difficult pronunciation?
  - Yes, I hope I’ll learn English well despite its difficult pronunciation.

・Do you think English people would understand you well despite your Japanese accent?
  - Yes, I think English people would understand me well despite my Japanese accent.

・Is it healthy to have a bath in very hot water?
  - No, it isn’t healthy to have a bath in very hot water.

・What should we do when we want to fill the bath with water?
  - When we want to fill the bath with water, we should put the plug in and turn the tap on.

・What should we do when the bath is full?
  - When the bath is full, we should turn the tap off.

・What should we do when we finish taking a bath?
  - When we finish takling a bath, we should pull the plug out.

・Have you ever gone to work although you were ill?
  - Yes, I’ve sometimes gone to work although I was ill.

・Can people be happy although they’re poor?
  - Yes, people can be happy although they’re poor.

・If you study in the English department, who can you become?
  - If I study in the Englsih department, I can become a teacher of English.

・Do you ever get back pain?
  - Yes, I sometimes get back pain.

・How did I greet you when I came into the classroom?
  - You greeted me by saying ‘Hello’ when you came into the classroom.

・Whould you be surprised if a guy who you didn’t know greeted you?
  - Yes, I’d surprised if a guy who I didn’t know greeted me.

・What do we write on a card that we send our friends when we are on holiday in Spain?
  - We write ‘Greeting from Spain’ on a card that we send our friends when we are on holiday in Spain.

・Give me the reflexive pronouns, please.
  - The reflexive pronouns are myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves.

・Do you think it would be easy for you to teach yourself a foreign language?
  - Yes, I think it would be easy for me to teach myself foreign language.

・Should we be able to laugh at ourselves?
  - Yes, we should be able to laugh at ourselves.

・What do you use to do with your clothes when they get wet in the rain?
  - I have to dry my clothes when they get wet in the rain.

・What do you do if you fail an exam?
  - If I fail an exam, I take it again.

・What kind of exam do we have to take in order to get a driving licence?
  - We have to take a driving test in order to get a driving licence.


English Method



・Are you ready to take the exam at the end of Stage5?
  - No, I’m not ready to take the exam at the end of Stage5.

・How long will it take you to get ready to take the exam at the end of Stage5?
  - It’ll take me about one month to get ready to take the exam at the end of Stage5.

・How long does it take to get ready to go to work?
  - It takes me about thirty minutes to get ready to go to work.

・Which dish do you dislike most?
  - I dislike row fish most.

・Do you like choosing new clothes?
  - No, I don’t like choosing new clothes.

・Why not?
  - Because I prefer to wear my old clothes.

・In which part of the world do parents choose a husband for their daughter?
  - Parents choose a husband for their daughter in Africa.

・What per cent of people in Europe do you think are for higher taxes?
  - I think only ten per cent of people in Europe are for higher taxes.

・At what speed should we drive in down?
  - We should drive at the speed of 40 in town.

・Do you study anything else apart from English?
  - Yes, I study something else apart from English.

・What else have you brought to the classroom apart from your book?
  - I’ve brought my pen to the classroom apart from my book.



Live Mocha



・A mulher rica tem moedas de ouro na sua bolsa azul.
- The rich woman has gold coins in her blue purse.

・O homem pobre tem moedas de prata na sua carteira preta.
- The poor man has silver coins in his black wallet.

・A rapariga tem doces e flores, mas o rapaz tem uma caneta nova e um livro velho.
- The girl has candy and flowers, but the boy has a new pen and an old book.

・A caixa branca está sobre o sofá e a luminária verde está sobre a mesa.
- The white box is on the sofa and the green lamp is on the table.

・A rapariga está na cadeira laranja e o rapaz está à mesa.
- The girl is in orange chair and the boy's at the table.



試験日: 2010年 9月 12日

学科: 60点満点中 43点 合格    合格率 30.31%

実技: 50点満点中 33点 合格    合格率 35.05%


合格率: 35.61%





Private Lesson




【News Lesson】

・ Google believes that they are testing a car which is the future of motoring.
× Google believes about the car they are testing is the future of motoring.

・ I think it’s OK that thers cars are being tested on public roads if they are surely safe.
× I think it's OK that these cars are being tested on public roads if it's surely safety.

・ I’m not sure about artificial intelligence, but I think it is increasing now.
× I'm not sure about artificial intelligence, but I think it is getting increasing now.

・ Before I go to somewhere, I ueually check and use them in advance.
× Before I go to somewhere, I usually check it by using them in advance.

・ I think that some of the world’s big problems are emvironment, increasing population and poverty.
× I think that some of the world's big problems are emvironment, increasing people and poverty.

・ If the computer breaks, it will be out of control.
× If the computer break, it will be out of control.



Live Mocha





dinheiro para comida e doces na carteira.
- There is money for food and candy in the wallet.

・A mulher está no seu carro, mas o homem está no sofá.
- The woman is on her car, but the man is on the couch.

・A comida está na mesa, mas os doces estão dentro da caixa.
- The food is on the table, but the sweets are in the box.

・A rapariga está na cadeira, e o rapaz está na cama.
- The girl in the chair, and the boy is in bed.

・Eu estou no edifício e os gestores estão à mesa.
- I'm in the building and the managers are at the table.

・O candeeiro está em cima da mesa.
- The lamp is on the table.

・O café está sobre a mesa também.
- The cafe is also on the table.

・A rapariga está no autocarro e o rapaz está à porta.
- The girl is on the bus and the boy is at the door.



Enlgish Talk

今日は久々にFace 2 Face と思いきや、いろいろあって他の教材を使用…。

Face 2 Face 忘れそうだ。。。

【Free Talk】

・I had hangover all day yesterday.
× Yesterday I was hang-over all day.

・I’m busy with work.
× I’m busy to work.

【New Words】

・Rewarding – provides satisfaction

・Deprivation – lack

・Tantrum – uncontrolled outburst of anger

・Offspring – children

・Nanny – babysitter

・Cocoon – protective covering

・Affluent – rich

・Distortion – deformation

・At stake – at risk, in danger of being lost

・Fragility – lack of physical strength


Live Mocha



・ La femme n’est pas petite. Elle est grande.
× La femme n'est pas petit. Elle est grand.

・ Le homme n’est pas vieux. Il nest jeune.
× Le homme n'est pas vieux. Il est juene.

・ La jeune fille est jeune. Elle n’est pas vielle.
× La jeune fille est jeune. Elle est vieux.

・ Je suis une femme. Je ne suis pas un homme.
× Ja sui une femme. Ja ne sui pas un homme.

- grand / grande

- petit / petite

- vieux / vieille

- blanc / blanche



Private Lesson


そんな中、Privete Lessonで利用しているテキストに

名言集 in English

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.  ( Ernestine Ulmer )

・You must do the thing you think you cannot do.  ( Eleanor Roosevelt )

・Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.  ( Gndhi )

・Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. ( ? )

・Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.  ( Mark Twain )

There's as much risk in doing nothing as in doing something.  ( Trammell Crow )

・Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourselg.  ( Henry Ward Beecher )



Live Mocha




Nós somos não homens.
 × Nós são não homens.

Estas moedas são douradas.
   × Isto moedas é dourada.

Estas flores não são amarelas.
   × Estas flores não são amarelo.

Este rapaz é jovem e alto.
   - This boy is young and tall.

A casa é petra, não é branca.
  - This house is black, isn’t white.

・ Há cinco casas.
   - Five houses.

Estes edificios são pretos.
  - These buildings are black.


Live Mocha


刺激は別サイトで受けよう。ってことで、Live Mocha。










Live Mocha


今日のLesson は大丈夫か?と憂いながら、今日もいったんMochaまとめ。

・I have my best friend. (I have a best friend.)
×I have a my best friend.

・When I moved into this house, my parents gave them to me.
×When I moved this house, my parents gave me them.

・I used a driver last month because the belt of my suit was too long so that I needed to make some new holes in the belt.
・I used a driver last month as I needed to make some new holes in the belt of my suit as it was too long.
×I used a driver last month because my belt of my suit was too long so that I needed to some holes in the belt.

・I seldom use these tools every day.
×I seldom use these tools usual day.


Private Lesson



・I think IVF is a great scientific advance, because it is now possible to have children without sex.
×I think IVF is a scientific advance, because it is possible to have a
children without a sex...

・No, I don’t think so. I have friends who are concerned about their infertilty or being infertile.
×No, I don't think so. Because I have friends who are concerned about
their infertile.

・Yes, there should be limits to where IVF should go next.
×Yes, there are limit to where IVF should go next.



Live mocha





・I bought a cabbage, an onion and some beef at the supermarket yesterday.
×I bought a cabbage, an onion and a beef at the supermarket yesterday.

・Recently the price of vegitables are increasing because of the hot weather of last summer.
×Recently the price of vegetables are increasing because of hot weather last summer.

・I want to speak Engkish like a native speaker.
×I wand to speak English as like as a native speaker.

・I have been working in this company for one and a half years.
・I have been working in thie company for a year and a half.
×I have been working this company for half and a year.

・I’m a salesperson and sell our products to other companies.
×I'm a salesperson and sell the products to other companies.

・But I’m going to change my job by next spring!
×But I'm going to change my job next spring!

・I usully go to work wearing a business suit, but sometimes I work while wearing a T-shirt.
×I usually go to work with wearing a suite, but sometimes I work with wearing a T-shirt.

・Many foreigner peoeple came there and they were having fun.
×Many foreigner people came there and they were having a fun.

・I think Yokohama is a city which has many places for sightseeing.
×I think Yokohama was the place which has many palaces for sightseeing.


English Talk

Stage4をクリアしたDMEが、最近General Review期間。

今日は隙間をぬって、Face 2 Face の3C Strange jobsへトライ!

Word building : noun endings

We can often make nounes form verbs by adding an ending (suffix) to the verb.

・collect – collection (-ion)

・act – actor (-or)

・assist – assistant (-ant)

・clean – cleaner (-er)

・advertise – advertisement (-ment)

・paint – paint

We use the engins –or, –ant, –er, –ist, and –ian for people’s jobs: doctor, shop assistant, waiter, dentist, politician, etc

【Free Talk】

・I have been there twice.
  × I have been there twice time.

・I want to go to there 2 years from now. In 2012.
  × I want to go to there 2 years ago 2012.

・We often go to Kyoto for field trips.
  × We often go to Kyoto for school travel.

・My home town is in the northern part of Japan.
  × My fome town is in the north of Japan.

・I saw the sunset.
  × I saw the sun sink.

・Please give me a ride.
  × Please ride me.

・Noel already left Oasis.
  × Noel gone out of Oasis.

・I want to surf the internet.
  × I want to see the internet.

nerves of steel – If someone has nerves of steel, they don’t get frightened.

gadget – a small mechanical device of appliance.

disband – to break up or dissolve (an organization / group)
  ex. They disbanded the corpotation.

techie – a person who is skilled in the use of technological devices, such as computers



English Method

今日はベテランの女性先生と初対面。落ち着いたテンポでstage4 の最後マデ。

・Are you able to speak English without making mistakes?
  - No, I’m not able to speak English without making mistakes, but I still make some mistakes.

・Would you be able to learn three languages if you had a lot of time?
  - Yes, I would be able to learn three languages if I had a lot of time.

・Would they be able to build a bridge over a river in one day?
  - No, they wouldn’t able to build a bridge over a river in one day.

・Have you ever been able to run 42 kilometres?
  - No, I’ve never been able to run 42 kilometres.

・Are lions and tigers weak animals?
  - Lions and tigers aren’t weak animals, but they’re strong.

・Do lions usually live alone?
  - No, lions don’t usually live alone, but they live in groups.

・Is it always easy to express your thoughts exactly?
  - No, it isn’t always easy to express my thoughts exactly.

・Is it easier to express your thoughts in writing of in speaking?
  - I think it’s easier to express my thoughts in writing.

・Is Takeshita Street so noisy that it’s almost impossible to speak there?
  - Yes, Takeshita Street is so noisy that it’s almost impossible to speak there.

・Is the choice in some shops so large that we can’t make a decision?
  - Yes, the choice in some shops is so large that we can’t make a decision.

・Have you ever doubted your teacher’s words?
  - Yes, I have sometimes doubted my teacher’s words.

・If I told you I had ten million pounds, would you have any doubts?
  - Yes, if you told me you had ten million pounds, I would have some doubts.

・Who explain words if you don’t understand them?
  - The teacher explain words if I don’t understand them.

・Why do adults need to explain a lot of thing to children?
  - Adults need to explain a lot of things to children because children have to learn a lot about the world.



English Method

今日はgrammer lessonをはさんで、Lesson57 の途中からLesson58 の終わりまで。

・Would he come to the next lesson if he were ill?
  - No, he wouldn’t come to the next lesson if he were ill.

・Would you read this book if it were very thick?
  - No, I wouldn’t read this book if it were very thick.

・If this book cost 100 dollars, would the price be too high?
  - Yes, if this book cost 100 dollars, the price would be too high.

・Do you think prices have gone up this year?
  - No, I don’t think prices have gone up this year.

・If I offered you one thousand euros for your book, would you sell it?
  - Yes, if you offered me one thousand euros for my book, I would sell it.

・If they offered you a job in the largest factory in your town, would you like to work there?
  - No, if they offered me a job in the largest factory in my town, I wouldn’t like to work there.

・Is better quality always worth a higher price?
  - Yes, better quality is always worth a higher price.

・If you want to make a lot of money, what sould you do?
  - If you want to make a lot of money, you should go into business.

・Do you agree that some shops offer too much choice?
  - Yes, I agree that some shops offer too much choice.

・Which country do you think is a popular choice for a winter holiday?
  - I think Austria is a popular choice for a winter holiday.

・What is a group?
  - A group is a lot of people together.

・What is a team?
  - A team is a group of people who work or play a sport together.

・Do you think cars make too much noise in this street?
  - Yes, I think cars make too much noise in this street.

・Do you agree that some motorcycles are too noisy?
  - Yes, I agree that some motorcycles are too noisy.

・Do you know whether I will work tomorrow or not?
  - No, I don’t know whether you will work tomorrow or not.

・Do I sometimes ask you whether you have learnt the words from the book?
  - Yes, you sometimes ask me whether I have learnt the words from the book.

・Why do people decide to live abroad?
  - People decide to live abroad because they can find a better job.

・Is it easy to make a decision whether to work here or abroad?
  - No, it isn’t easy to make a desicion whether to work here or abroad.

・Why is too much choice sometimes a bad thing?
  - Too much choise is sometimes a bad thing because it’s difficult to make a decision.

・What am I doing?
  - You’ re turning a page of your book.

・Is the road between Shibuya and Shinjuku straight?
  - No, the road between Shibuya and Shinjuku isn’t straight, but it has many turns.

・Have we more or less finished Stage 4?
  - Yes, we have more or less finished Stage 4.

・How many people does an average plane hold?
  - An average plane holds about two handred people.

・Would you be afraid to hold a very small baby in your arms?
  - No, I wouldn’t be afraid to hold a very small baby in my arms.

・Has your country changed a lot in the last 15 years?
  - Yes, my country has changed a lot in the last 15 years.

・What’s the direction of the wind today?
  - The direction of the wind today is to the east.


Private Lesson



Phrasal Verbs : a verb +preposition

・ He picked up the box. (lifte)

・He put out his cigarette. (extinguished)

・He looked over the material. (reviewed)

・Turn it off. (stop, extinguish)

・Turn it up. (increase the volume) – The car needs a tune-up. (noun)

・Turn it on. (to light, to start)

・That turns me off. (disgust)  - That’s such a turnoff! (noun)

・Turn it down. (decrese the volume)

・She turned him down. (reject a request or a person)

・He didn’t turn up. (uppear, arrive)

・They turned me away. (reject, refuse)

Abbreviations and Numbers : the last letter has stress


・1997, 11:45, 911


English Method

Lesson56 途中から Lesson57 途中まで。


・Can you imagin paying one million pounds for a fine car?
  - Yes, I can imagin paying one million pounds for a fine car.

・Do you ever close your eyes and imagine that you are in complately different place?
  -Yes, I sometimes close my eyes and imagine that I’m in a completely different place.

・What should you do when you hear a fire alarm?
  - When I hear a fire alarm, I should leave the building quicly.

・Does it seem to you that the weather will be nice tomorrow?
  - Yes, it seemes to me that the weather will be nice tomorrow.

・Does this pen seem to be worth a lot of money?
  - No, this pen doesn’t seem to be worth a lot of money.

・Which country do you think produces the best quality computers?
  - I think Japan produces the best quality computers.

・Does it seem to you that we should buy only high-quality products?
  - It seems to me that we should buy only high-quality products.

・Is it always worth paying more for top quality?
  - Yes, it’s always worth paying more for top quality.

・When something is free, how much does it cost?
  - When something is free, it costs nothing.

・How much do you think you have spent on books this year?
  - I think I’ve spent ten thousands yen on books this year.

・When do we use the second conditional?
  - We use the second conditional when we imagine an action in the present or future but we think it will probably not happen.

・What is the construction of the second conditional?
  - The construction of the second conditional is if  + past + would.

・Where would you go if you needed a train ticket?
  - If I neede a train ticket, I would go to the ticket office at the station.

・Would you be happy if you became a millionaire?
  - Yes, I would be happy if I became a millionaire.

・Will you probably see a fire in your room?
  - No, I won’t probably see a fire in my room.

・What would you do if you saw a fire in the classroom?
  - If I sawa a fire in the classroom, I would get some water.



English Method


Lesson54 の途中から、Lesson56 の途中マデ。

・Do you prefer to work alone or among other people?
  - I prefer to work among other people.

・What’s the capital of Portugal?
  - Lisobon is the capital of Portugal!

・Do ladies use mirrors more often than gentlemen?
  - Yes, leadies use mirrors more often than gentlemen.

・Where did you keep your passport when you travelled abroad?
  - I kept my passport in my pocket when I travelled abroad.

・Do you think you should keep studying English?
  - Yes, I think I should keep studying English.

・Is it healthy to keep eating when your stomach is full?
  - No, it isn’t healthy to keep eating when my stomach is full.

・When do we use the first conditional?
  - We use the first conditional when we think it is possible that an action will happen in the future.

・What is the construction of the first conditional?
  - The construction of the first conditional is if + present + will.

・If you have time, will you tell us a story after the lesson?
  - Yes, if I have time, I will tell you a story after the lesson.

・Will you get thirsty if you don’t drink anything for 12 hours?
  - Yes, I’ll get thirsty if I don’t drink anything for 12 hours.

・When your friend promises to do something, do you believe her?
  - Yes, when my friend promises to do something, I believe her.

・Has anybody ever broken your heart?
  - Yes, somebody has broken my heart.

・Do you often listen to techno music?
  - Yes, I often listen to techno music.

・Do you think singers earn a lot of money?
  - Yes, I think singers earn a lot of money.

・What products does your country make?
  - My country makes such products as computers and cars.

・Is it easy to find a good job in this city?
  - No, it isn’t to find a good job in this city.

・How many people does the largest factory in this city employ?
  - The largest factory in this city employs about one thousand people.

・What do we call somebody who employs other people?
  - we call somebody who employs other people an employer.

・If you get a job, are you an employer of an employee?
  - If I get a job, I’m an employee.

・How many employees does the largest car factory in this country have?
  - The largest car factory in my country has more than ten thousand employees.



English Method


・What must you have if you want to travel by bus?
  - You must have a ticket if you want to travel by bus.

・What do you need when you want to travel by train or by plane?
  - You need a ticket when you want to travel by train or by plane.

・Where do we buy a ticket when we need to travel by train?
  - We buy a ticke at the ticket office when we need to travel by train.

・Where do tourists go when they need information?
  - Tourists go to the tourist office when they need information.

・Give me an example of an adverb.
  - ‘Quickly’ is an example of an adverb.

・Give me another example.
  - ‘Slowly’ is another example.

・Have you studied other foreign languages?
  - Yes, I have studied other foreign languages.

・What foreign countries have you travelled to?
  - I have travelled to such foreign countries as England and Portugal.

・Is your watch made of real gold?
  - No, my watch isn’t made of real gold.

・Are some things possible in films but impossible in real life?
  - Yes, some things are possible in films but impossible in real life.


English Method

本日一回目の授業。Lesson52 の途中から Lesson54 の途中まで。

・Are your shoes like my shoes?
  - No my shoes aren’t your shoes, but they’re different.

・Have you ever paid too much for something by mistake?
  - No, I have never paid too much for something by mistake.

・Have you heard the news about a new teacher in the school?
  - Yes, I’ve heard the news about a new teacher in the school.

・What should you do when you’re ill?
  - I should take madeicine when I feel very ill.

・Have you ever felt too ill to go to work?
  - Yes, I’ve sometimes felt too ill to go to work.

・Do you think it would be best to study English every day?
  - Yes, I think it would be best to study Englsih every day.

・Do you hope to live for more than a hundred years?
  - No, I don’t hope to live for more than a hundred years.

・Do you hope the weather will be nice tomorrow?
  - Yes, I hope the weather will be nice tomorrow.

・What words do we use to speak about future intentions?
  - We use the words ‘be going to’ to speak about future intentions.

・When are you going to come here again?
  - I’m going to come here again on Tuesday.

・When can happen when somebody is very ill?
  - When somebody is very ill, they can die.

・Do you believe in life after death?
  - Yes, I believe in life after death.

・Is death a pleasant thing to talk about?
  - No, death isn’t a pleasant thing to talk about.

・Would you like to win 1 million pounds?
  - Yes, I’d like to win 1 million pounds.

・What do we answer when somebody asks ‘Would you like some coffee’?
  - When somebody asks ‘Would you like some coffee?’, we answer ‘Yes, please’ or ‘No, thank you’.



English Method



・Have you ever given money to poor people?
  - Yes, I’ve sometimes given money to poor people.

・Do you think women wore trousers three hundred years ago?
  - No, I don’t think women wore trousers three hundred years ago.

・Have you ever thought about going to the UK?
  - Yes, I  have sometimes thought about going to the UK.

・What are the two opposites of ‘thin’?
  - The two opposites of ‘thin’ are ‘thick’ and ‘fat’.

・Why do some dogs or cats get fat?
  - Some dogs of cats get fat because they get too much food.

・Is the glass in the window thick?
  - No, the glass in the window isn’t thick, but it’s thin.

・Do you pull the door in your room to go out?
  - No, I don’t pull the door in my room to go out, but I push it.

・Have you ever tried to stand on your head?
  - Yes, I’ve tried to stand on my head.

・Is it possible to learn a language well in two months?
  - No, it isn’t possible to learn a language well in two months, but it’s impossible.


Private Lesson

Syllable Stress を勉強したあとは、Word Stress へ。


For example:

・I’ll see you later.  × I’ll see you later.

・Have a nice day.  × Have a nice day.

Compound Nouns

・Stress the first word and pronounce the two word as one.
  ex: Parking lot, book shelf, credit card, football, bookmark

・Stress the first word in these compound nouns withn compound nouns.
  ex: cell phone number, high school girl, website address, taxi driver, airline pilot

Proper Stress with Adjectives

・When an adjective is followed by a noun, the noun is stressed.
  ex: nice day, small room, blue eyes, old man

・When two adjectives precede a noun, stress the first adjective and the noun, the noun gets the more stress.
  ex: big blue bus, nice old man, short black hair, big brown eyes


English Method

気づいたらLesson50 に突入ということで、Lesson51 の途中マデ。

・Do people drive on the right everywhere in the world?
  - No, people don’t drive on the right everywhere in the world.

・Are you some people still good workers when they are seventy-five years old?
  - Yes, some people are still good workers when they are seventy-years old.

・When do we use the present perfect?
  - We use the present perfect when an action starts in the past and is still happening.

・When do we use ‘for’?
  - We use ‘for’ to say how long an action has happend.

・Give me some examples of ‘for’ please.
  - For 2 hours; for 3 days; for 7 weeks; for 6 months; for 12 years.

・When do we use ‘since’?
  - We use ‘since’ to say when an action started.

・Give me some examples of ‘since’, please.
  - Since 7 o’clock; since Monday; since 7th July; since 1990.

・How long have you been in this classroom?
  - I’ve been in this classroom for 20 minutes.

・Is French grammer easier than English grammar?
  - No, French grammar isn’t easier than English grammar, but it’s harder.



English Method

本日二度目のLesson。新進気鋭の先生とともに、Lesson 49からLesson50の途中まで。

・Do people drives on the right-hand side of the road in England?
  - No, people drives on the right hand side of the road in England, but they drive on the left-hand side.

・What colour are the lights on the back of a car?
  - The lights on the back of a car are red.

・Do you think girls cry more often than boys?
  - No, I don’t think girls cry more often than boys.

・Do you ever think you’ve had enough of studying English?
  - No, I never think I’ve had enough of studying English.

・Do you agree that in many countries people have had enough of paying high taxes?
  - Yes, I agree that in many countries people have had enough of paying high taxes.

・Have you read anything interesting this week?
  - Yes, I have read something interesting this week.

・Have I just stood up?
  - No, you haven’t just stood up, but you’ve just sat down.

・What’s the farthest you have run?
  - The farthest I’ve run is 10 kilometres.

・Have I just gone out of the room?
  - No, you haven’t just gone out of the room, but you’ve just come into the room.

・Are there flower sellers at the market near your flat?
  - Yes, there are flower sellers at the supermarket near my flat.

・Do you think that something good will happen to you at the weekend?
  - Yes, I think that something good will happen to me at the weekend.

・Are you happy when you want to win a prize but it doesn’t happen?
  - No, I’m not happy when I want to win a prize but it doesn’t happen.


English Method

今日もフレッシュな先生とともに、Lesson48 冒頭から終わりまで!

・Do you have to come here?
- No, I don’t have to come to here, but I should.

・What should do when you get hungry?
  - I should eat something when I get hungry.

・Could you paint well when you were a baby?
  - No, I couldn’t paint well when I was a baby.

・What does ‘could’ mean in that sentence?
  - ‘Could’ means ‘was able to’ in that sentence.

・Could you speak Geraman well after a course that lasts only two months?
  - No, I couldn’t speak German well after a course that lasts only two months.

・What does ‘could’ mean in that sentence?
  - ‘Could’ means ‘am not possible’ in that sentence.

・Could you write a long article about your nation for a newspaper?
  - Yes, I could write a long article about my nation for a newpaper.

・When do we use the present perfect?
  - We use the present perfect for an action in the past with a result now.

・How do we make the present perfect?
  - We make the present perfect by using ‘have’ or ‘has’ and the past pariciple.

・What do most people do in the middle of the night?
  - Most people sleep in the middle of the night.

・When you write a letter, where do you write your address?
  - When I write a letter, I write my address at the top of the letter.


Private Lesson



【News Lesson】

・I can know what is happening all over the world by searching the internet.
  × I can know to what is happening over the world by searching the internet.

・I could use this time more productively if my computer starts faster.
  × I could use this time more productively if my computer starts more faster.

・But I like waiting / to wait while my computer is starting because I can shing a song.
  × But I like waiting for starting my computers by shinging a song.

・I think it is because computers are complicated.
  × I think it because of being complecated with computers.

・Creating sentences in English can make me pull my hair out.
  × I put my hair out when I’m making sentences in English.

・I think my computer is better if it’s lighter, faster, and more comvenient!
  × I think my computer would like to better if it’s lighter, faster, and more convenient!

・I would be happy if it is instant-on, because I can use my computer sonn.
  × I would be happy if it is with instant-on, because I can use computer soon.

・I like tapping my finger on the desk. But I sometimes feel it is bothersome
  × I like tapping my finger on the desk. But I sometimes feel it is a bother…

・I think computers have become better compared to the past few years.
  × I think computers have got a lot of better thing in the past few year.



English Teacher On Call

というわけで、今朝もTOEIC Lessonからスタートのまえに日常会話。

【Daily Conversation】

・Have you already had your breakfast?

・This morning, I’ll eat two pieces of bread with butter.

・I usually come back home between 7 or 8 p.m.

・I sometimes prepare dinner if I still have enough time.

・I sometimes buy food before coming back home like salad and other ready-made or ready-to eat food.

・I think, letter b is the correct answer.

・He has one job in the day and another at night.

・I’d another drink, please.

・It functions as an adjective.

・Listen! I just heard something! What could it be?



Private Lesson

American Accent のレッスンも、いつの間にか「Syllable Stress」へ。

Noun : Stress the first syllable, Verbes : Stress the second syllable
   ・addict, conduct, contest, insult, object, present, record, subject etc..

● Verbs thae end in –ate : Stress is on the first syllable,
   Nouns ending in –tion : Strss is on the syllable that precedes the suffix –tion
   ・activate/activation, clebrate/celebration, demonstrate/demonstration etc..

○ separate : /eit/ when it is a verb, /it/ when it is a noun.
   ・alternate, graduate, estimate etc..

● Prefix + root word = NOUN : Stress the prefix,
   Prefix + root word = VERB : Stress the root word.
   ・preview/prevent, object/obtain, discount/diecuss, access/agree etc..


English Method

新進気鋭の先生とともに、Lesson46 途中から Lesson47 のラストまで。

・Can you get me a book from the next classroom?
  - Yes, I can get you a book from the next classroom.

・What makes you angry?
  - Bad weather makes me angry.

・What is your favorite drink when you get very thirsty?
  - When I get very thirsty, my favorite drink is cold water.

・Did you learn any new English words last week?
  - Yes, I learnt some new English words last week.

・Did he tell me the past form of ‘tell’.
  - Yes, he told you the past form of ‘tell’.

・Who did you speak to five minutes go?
  - I spoke to you five minutes ago.

・Did you know that Scotland is part of the UK?
  - I knew that Scotland is part of the UK.

・What did you think about this morning?
  - I thought about my English lesson this morning.

・What type of TV programmes do you like watching?
  - I like watching such TV proframmes as news, sports and music.

・Are there similar programmes on all TV channels?
  - Yes, there are similar programmes on all TV channels.

・How many different types of pasta can you get buy in the supermarket?
  - I think you can buy about ten different types of pasta in the supermarket.

・Do students have to answer a long series of questions during the lesson?
  - Yes, students have to answer a long series of questions during the lesson.

・At what age did you start school?
  - I started school at the age of six.

・What is the best age to get married?
  - I think the best age to get married is 35.

・At what age does the average student finish school in this country?
  - The average student finishes school at the age of 22 in this country.

・What is the average age of people starting work in this country?
  - The average age of the people starting work in this country is 22.

・What is tax?
  - Tax is the money that we must pay to the government.

・Do governments sometimes make stupid laws that don’t help people?
  - Yes, governments sometimes make stupid laws that don’t help people.

・Are European nations very similar to African nations?
  - No, European nations aren’t very similar to African nations, but they’re very different.

・Which nations do you think won World War Two?
  - I think the nations of Great Britain and Russia won World War Two.

・What do we call the hole in a door?
  - We call the hoe in a door a key hole.



English Method


Lesson42 の途中から、…ん?Lesson46突入。

・When did Wolrd War Two start?
  - World War Two started in 1939.

・Is there peace in all the European countries at the moment?
  - Yes, there is peace in all the European countries at the moment.

・Which rooms do usually have downstairs?
  - We usually have a kitchen and a toilet downstairs.

・Do you have a washing machine in the kichen?
  - No, I don’t have a washing machine in the kichen, but I have it in the bathroom.

・Which do you think is the broadest street in your town?
  - I think the main street is the broadest street in my town.

・Did you lose any money last year?
  - Yes, I lost some money last year.

・Did you win a prize when you were a child?
  - Yes, I won a prize when I was a child.

・Do you think you will become rich or poor in the future?
  - I think I will become rich in the future.

・Do you think you will become a millionaire in the furure?
  - I think I will become a millionaire in the future.

・What did you dream about last night?
  - I dremt about sommer holidays last night.

・Are there any ruins of old castles in this country?
  - Yes, there are some ruins of old castles in this country.

・Do you dream of becoming a millionaire and living in a castle?
  - Yes, I dremt of becoming a millionaire and living in a castle.

・Are children more ploite than adults?
  - No, children aren’t more ploite than adults, but they’re less polite.

・Do you think young people dream more than adults?
  - Yes, I think young people dream more than adults.

・What did I say at the end of the lesson?
  - You said ‘Goodbye’ at the end of the lesson.

・Are you happy when somebody asks you a lot of stupid questions?
  - No, I’m not happy when somebody asks me a lot of stupid questions.

・What do we call the person who writes poems?
  - We call the person who writes poems a poet.

・What is cheesecake made from?
  - Cheesecake is made from cheese, sugar and eggs.

・How can we answer when somebody says ‘thank you’?
  - When somebody says ‘thank you’, we can answer ‘You’re welcome’ or ‘No problem’.

・Is it nice to live in a house with a beautiful view of the mountains?
  - Yes, it’s nice to live in a house with a beautiful view of the mountains.

・If we stand on the top of the mountain, do we usually have a fine view of the valley below?
  - Yes, if we stand on the top of the mountain, we usually have a fine view of the valley below.

・How do we make a cup of coffee?
  - We make a cup of coffee by putting some coffee into a cup and filling it with hot water.

・Do you agree that people must not refuse to help other people?
  - No, I don’t agree that people must not refuse to help other people.

・Do you have to remember all your friends’ phone numbers?
  - No, I don’t have to remember all your friends’ phone numbers.






1. オンライン英会話


・English Talk : ニュース読解、Face 2 Face(文法等)、フリートーク
・English Method : stage1~state4へ。10月はstate4,5をクリア。
・English on Call : TOEIC、ニュース読解
・Private Lesson : American Accent、Writing

2. 無料SNS活用(Writing)

・Facebook の活用。

3. 英語のwebサイト活用


4. podcastの活用


・相互サイト→ write a letter →人脈づくり



English Talk


【CNN : Will China’s billionaires share the wealth?】

・charitable : full of love for and goodwill toward others

philanthropy : goodwill to fellowmen

・ostentatious : marked by of fond of conspicuous or vainglorious

obstacles : something that impedes progress of achievement

・tycoon : shogun, a top leader

・nowadays : these days

・keep a low profile : 目立たないようにする

・quite a few of : かなりの数の

・there are many chinese everywhere

・they mistake me for a CHINESE

・We don’t do it personally  but the company does

・They do charity work all over the world.



English Method

stage4 に突入!


とりあえず、Lesson42 の途中マデ。

・Are you sitting in the corner of the room?
  - No, I’m not sitting in the corner of the room.

・What’s on the corner of the street?
  - There’s a bank on the corner of the street.

・What do you take home after the lesson?
  - I take my book after the lesson.

・Do you take a big bag with you when you go to the supermarket?
  - Yes, I take a big bag with me when I go to the supermarket.

・Will you help me to carry my books if I ask you?
  - Yes, I will help you to carry your books if you ask me.

・Do you ever refuse to answer a question during the lesson?
  - No, I never refuse to answer a question during the lesson.

・What kind of course are you taking?
  - I’m taking a course in English.

・Can your friends always depend on you?
  - Yes, my friends can always depend on me.

・Is it necessary to pay when we buy something in a shop?
  - Yes, it’s necessary to pay when we buy something in a shop.

・Is it necessary to study a lot if we want to learn English well?
  - Yes, it’s necessary to study a lot if we want to learn English well.

・Will there be a map of the UK on the wall next lesson?
  - No, there won’t be a map of the UK on the wall next lesson.


Private Lesson

今回のWriting Lesson。テーマは「なぜ、英語を話す国の人間は太ってる人が多いのか」。



【News Lesson】

・What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘obese’?
  - It made me remember that I used to be obese when I was a child.
  × I’ve just rememberd that I used to be obese when I was a child.

・Are you surprised about the slimmest countries?
  - No, I was not surprised so much because I live in Japan and I think that most of the Japanese are slimmer than the people living in other countries.
  × No, I’m not surprised so much. Because I live in Japanese and I think most of Japanese are slimmer than people live in other countries.

・Why do you think people in English-speaking countries are so overweight?
  - I think it is because there are many fast food shops there. Of course there are fast food shops also in Japan, but we don’t eat so much and we eat at smaller size fast foods.
  × I think it because there are many fast food shops there. Of course they are also in Japan, but we don’t eat so much and we eat smaller size’s fast foods.

・Are you worried about your weight?
  - I used to be worried about my weight, but I’m no longer worried about it now.
  × I used to be worried about my weight, but I’m not worried about it now.

・What health problem does obesity create?
  - If we are obese, we won’t be able to move smoothly.
  × If we are obesity, we won’t move smoothy.

・What is the relationship between education and weight?
  - If we have health knowledge, we can easily take care of our health. But for the people who don’t have knowledge, it will be hard for them how to take care of their health.
  × If we have knowledges for health, we can take care about our health. But people who don’t have knowledges it, they can’t take care about their health.

・Now we are better educated, why don’t we learn about eating healthily?
  - I think we now know about eating healthily, but some people still like unhealthy foods because most of the time they taste good.
  × I think now we know about eating healthily, but some people like unhealthy foods.

・What’s the best way to lose weight?
  - The best way to lose weight is to do sport and not eat so much.
  × The best way to lose is to do sport and not to eat so much.

・What problems do you think obese people have on a daily basis?
  - I think obese people always like eating so they need to find some hobbies.
  × I think obese people always like eating something so that they need to find some hobbies.





English Talk

10月突入!本日もFace 2 Face Pre-intermediate を利用。

3B Job-hunting を学習。


Present Continuous(現在進行形)

 We use the Present continousu for things that:
   ・are happning at the moment of speaking: Today he’s doing some gardening.
     I’m writing to tell you how it feeles to be unployed.
   ・are temporary and happening around now, but maybe not at the moment of speaking:
     Now He’s looking for his first job. I’m applying for every job I can.

Present Simple(現在形)

  We use the Present Simple for:
   ・daily routines and things we always/sometimes/never do : He reads
     the adverts in the paper every day. I never get an interview.
   ・verbs that describe states(be, want, have got, think, etc.): He needs a real job.
     People think I’m too bad.

   State verbs : believe, like, love, be, remember, understand, hate, agree, know, think…

    ・ She works in the cultural center. She’s a piano teacher.
    × She works in culture center. She’s a teacher of piano.

     ・ She works from 10 am to 10 pm every sunday.
     × Every sunday she works at 10 am to 10 pm.

      ・ She has studants ranging from 3 – 65 years old.
      × She has some student from 3 or over 65 years old.

       ・ She is so busy that she’s working overtime everyday.
       × She is so busy, she works overtime everyday.

       ・ I want to be a piano teacher because I used to learn piano.
       × I want to be piano tiacher because I used to learn piano.

       ・ When I was unemployed, I filled up an application form for a new job.
       × During I get unemployment I fill in application form for new job.

       ・ My mother is now getting unemployment benefits.
       × My mother now getting unemployment benefits.

【A day of a salesperson】

  ・Every day Kevin visits other companies and tries to sell them new procucts.

  ・CopyRight sells photocopies and printers.

  ・The company is doing well at the moment.

  ・Kevin starts work at half past eight every day.