English Method
Lesson32 の途中から、Lesson34の終わりまで。
・If it’s hot, what do you wear?
- If it’s hot, I wear either shirt or T-shirt.
・If it’s cold, what do you wear?
- If it’s cold, I wear either a coat or a jumper.
・What are the two most important holidays in this country?
- The two most important holidays in this country are Christimas and Easter.
・When is Christmas?
- Christmas is on the 25th of December.
・What do we write in a Chrstmans card?
- We write ‘Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’ in a Christmas cards.
・What’s this?
- It’s a piece of paper.
・How many pieces of bread do you eat for breakfast?
- I eat two pieces of bread for breakfast.
・Can you speak both English and German?
- No, I can’t speak both English and German, but I can speka only English.
・Do you prefer getting up early or late?
- I prefer getting up early.
・Who comes to the classroom the earlist?
- John comes to the classroom the earliest.
・Is Madrid nearer to London than Paris?
- No, Madrid isn’t nearer to London than Pris, but it’s farther.
・What nationality is a person from Australian?
- A person from Australian is of Australian nationality.
・It is pleasant to have lunch in a restaurant?
- Yes, it’s pleasant to have lunch in a restaurant.
・What shape is a plate?
- A plate is round.
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