English Method
・Is this book yours?
- No, that book isn’t mine, but it’s yours.
・What am I doing?
- You’re going out of the classroom.
・What am I doing?
- You’re coming into the classroom.
・Do you prefer orange juice instead of pear juice?
- Yes, I prefer orange juice instead of pear juice.
・Do you prefer walking instead of going by car?
- No, I don’t prefer walking instead of going by car, but I prefer going by car.
・Have you got a Japanease passport?
- Yes, I have got a Japanese passport.
・Has she got blown hair?
- No, she hasn’t got blown hair, but she has black hair.
・Has the classroom got 12 chairs?
- No, the classroom hasn’t got 12 chairs, but it has got 6 chairs.
・Has she got shoes?
- Yes, she’s got shoes.
・Have I got a pink T-shirt.
- No, you haven’t got a pink T-shirt.
次回は、Stage2のLast Lesson…
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