English Method
Lesson74のgrammer lessonにてこずる。。。段々難しくなってくし。。
・Is this book being read now?
- Yes, that book is being read now.
・Are any new houses being buit in your town?
- Yes, some new houses are being built in my town.
・Has this classroom been cleaned today?
- Yes, this classroom has been cleaned today.
・Were you asked questions in English last week?
- Yes, I was asked questions in English last week.
・Was this room being cleaned when you came here?
- Yes, this room wasn’t being cleaned when I came here.
・Will you be prepared for Exam 5 soon?
- Yes, I’ll be prepared for Exam 5 soon.
・Can you be kicked by a horse if you stand behind it?
- Yes, I can be kicked by a horse if I stand behind it.
・Should usuless thing be thrwon away?
- Yes, useless things should be thrown away.
・do you think your country might be attacked by an enemy?
- Yes, I think my country might be attacked by an enemy.
・What ought you to do if you want to be certain of passing an exam?
- If I want to be certain of passing an exam, I ought to study hard.
・Do you agree that certain people have so weak a character that it’s difficult for them to succeed in life?
- Yes, I agree that certain people have so weak character that it’s difficult for them to suceed in life.
・Do you think that certain questions in this book are too long?
- Yes, I think that certain questions in this book are too long.
・Could you pass an exam if you were only partly prepared?
- No, I coudn’t pass an exam if I were only partly prepared.
・Do you agree that we buy certain products partly because we are influenced by TV?
- Yes, I agree that we buy certain products partly because we are influenced by TV.
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