English Method
ということで、Lesson150 のはじめから途中まで!
・What do parents usally scold their children for?
- Parents usually scold their children for misbehaving.
・Is there anyone that you think deserved to get the Noble Prize but didn’t receive it?
- No, there isn’t anyone that I think deserved to get the Noble Prize but didn’t recieve it.
・How much disc space do you have on your computer?
- I have 30GB of disc space on my computer.
・Who was the first man to go into space?
- The first man to go into space was Gagarin.
・When will space travel as natural as a trip abroad?
- Space travell will be as much as a trip abroad in twenty years’ time.
・What happens if a child’s raised only on fast food?
- If a child’s raised only on fast food, he may suffure from serious health problems.
・Why do schoolchildren raise their hands in class?
- Schooldhildren raise their hands in class when they want to ask the teacher about something.
・What happens if a teacher can’t keep dicipline in the classroom?
- If a teacher can’t keep displine in the classroom, the students are easily spoilt and they misbehave.
・What’s the most effective way to disipline a lazy employee?
- The most effective way to dicipline a lazy employee is to pay them less.
・What do we express with ‘wish + would’?
- We express our dissatisfaction with the present and a wish for a change in the future with ‘wish + would’.
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