English Method
・What does it mean ‘to leave a car idling’?
- ‘To leave a car idling’ means that the engine runs slowly and the car isn’t moving.
・What has been till now the biggest challenge in your life?
- The biggest challenge in my life till now has been getting a foreigne boyfriend.
・What would you say to someone who has offend you seriously?
- I’d say ‘How dare you!’ to someone who has offended me seriously.
・What’s a chairman / chairwoman of a conference responsible for?
- A chair man / chairwoman of a conference is responsible for telling prople when they can speak.
・Why do you think international authorities organise conferences on climate change?
- I think international authorities organise conference on climate change to study important problems connect with environment.
・On what cindition do parents sometimes allow their children to play with toys in the living room?
- Parents allow their children to play with toys in the living room, provided that they leave no mess.
・When does the bank allow you to draw money from your account?
- The bank allows me to draw money from my account, provided that I have the money in it.
・What do people usually say when they lend money?
- People usually say ‘I’ll give you the money, provideng you return it quickly’ when they lend money.
・Give me a sentence with ‘provided that’ or ‘providing’.
- I’ll cook dinner, provided that you clean room.
・Give me example nouns with which we don’t use the defenit article.
- We don’t use the defenite article with proper names of places or countries.
・What’s the different between ‘I’m going to prison’ and ‘I’m going to the prison’?
- ‘I’m going to prison’ means that you were found guilty in court and now you must spend some time in prison.
- ‘I’m going to the prison’ means you have the intention of visiting the prison.
・Why’s the life of children in third world countries often so difficult?
- The life of children third world countries is often so difficult because they have to work hard for their living.
・Why do companies spend a lot of money on public relations?
- Companies spend a lot of money on public relations to improve or influence their image.
・Do you think the public image of a plitician is much different from the real person?
- Yes, I think the public image of a politician is much different from the real person.
- Because he does certain things just to influence the public.
・Give me examples of things that companies do for public relations.
- Companies help poor children for public relations.
・How was man created according to the Bible?
- According the Bible man was created in the image of God.
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