

English Method


take that の曲に乗りながら、Lesson127のはじめから途中まで!

・What can people have a fear of?
  - People can have a fear of flying.

・Why do some people fear dogs?
  - Some people fear dogs perhaps because they’ve been scared seriously by one.

・What’s your greatest fear?
  - My greatest fear’s the unknown.

・Which is safer for the envionment: nuclear power or splar power?
  - Solar power’s safer for the environment then nuclear power.

・How can we all take care of the environment?
  - We can all take care of the environment by using things that can be recycled.

・What can we recycle?
  - We can recycle paper and glass.

・Why do people quit their jobs?
  - People quit their jobs because they earn too little money.

・Which companies usually offer their products for a trial period?
  - Companies which produce softwear usually offer their products for a trial period.

・What kind of person is an optimist?
  - An optimist’s a person who believes that things usually turn out well in the end.

・Which takes less time to pay off: a car loan or a bank mortgage?
  - It usually takes less time to pay off a car loan than a bank mortage.

・What would you do if it turned out you couldn’t pay back a loan to your bank?
  - If it turned out I couldn’t pay back a loan to my bank, I’d ask my family or friends for help.

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