English Method
・Where in the world you like to settle forever?
- I’d like to settele forever on the coast of an ocean.
・How do you settle your nerves after a very tiring day?
- I settle my nerves after a very tiring day by relaxing.
・What’s the best thing to do in order to stir children’s imagination?
- The best thing to do in order to stir children’s imagination is to read books to them.
・How do usually settle your bills: by money transfer, in cash, or by cheque?
- I usually settle my bills by money transfer.
・If people sometimes can’t settle a problem themselves, where do they go to settle?
- If people sometimes can’t settle a problem themselvs, they go to court to settle it.
・When do people in your country gather together?
- People in my country gather together on national holidays or on New Year’s Eve.
・Are most people in this country opposed to their government?
- Yes, most people in this country are opposed to their government.
- Because they don’t believe what politicians said.
・What have you achieve today?
- I’ve achieve a lot today. I got a new contract for my company today.
・Can we achieve anything by punishing children?
- Yes, we can achieve something by punishing children.
- We can teach them how to behave properly.
・Who controls Microsoft?
- Bill Gates controls Microsoft.
・What do you use to control your TV?
- I use a remote control to control my TV.
・When can it be difficult to control one’s feelings?
- It can be difficult to control one’s feelings when something very unpleasant happens to us or when somebody we know well dies.
・Which countries were under Russian control forty years ago?
- Poland, East Germany, and Romania were under Russian control forty years ago.
・What would you do if hardly anyone came to your wedding party?
- If hardly anyone came to my wedding party, I’d be really sad.
・What’s the different between: ‘He works hard’ and ‘He hardly works’?
- ‘He works hard’ means that he works a lot and ‘He hardly works’ means that he almost never works.
・What do you do with the heating in your car when it gets warmer outside?
- I turn the heating lower in my car when it gets warmer outside.
・His recommendation was strong.
- He recommended the film very strongly.
・He is a careful cleaner.
- He cleans the flat carefuly.
・What’s the freedom of the press?
- The freedom of the press is the freedom to write anything they want and to express any opinion they want.
・Which part of the media has the most influence on people?
- The press and television are the parts of the media that have the most influence on people.
・Do governments want to control the media?
- Yes, government want to control the media.
- Because if they control the media, they can have influence on people.
・What may sometimes happen if certain information is leaked to the media?
- A scandal may sometimes break if certain information is leaked to the media.
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