

Professional English in USE


【4. Bookkeeping】

Bookkeepers record the company’s daily transaction.

・Debit is an amount entered on the left-hand side of an account, recording money paid out.

・Ledger is a book of account.

・Debtors are customers who owe money for goods or services not yet paid for.

・Credit is an amount entered on the right hand side of an account recording a payment recievied.

・Stock is goods stored ready for sale.

・Creditors are suppliers who are owed money for purchases not yet paid for.

Double-entry bookkeeping shows where money comes from and where it goes: it is always transferred from one account to another one. Every event is entered twice – once as a credit and once as a debit.

・Most businesses record very frequent or numerous transactions in day books or journals.

・The main account books are called nominal ledgers, and the book rekating to creditors is called the bought ledger.

・In order to prepare financial statements, companies do a trial balance which copies all the debit and credit balances of different accounts onto a single page.

debtors : accounts recivable

creditors : accounts payable

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